Sunday, 26 May 2013

26th May 2013: a long week, finished with a fun filled weekend!

Monday 20th May: the bit after sunset, but the bit before the stars.

Tuesday 21st May: erm, so i got some walking shoes...

Wednesday 22nd May: two down, three to go.

Thursday 23rd May: over half way...

Friday 24th May: one exam left, cake making and weekend away!!

Saturday 25th May: bibles, fun and bonfires...

Sunday 26th May: a long week, finished with a fun filled weekend!

This has been a long week, 3 exams in the space of 3 days (not as bad as some people, but it’s bad enough!)
Then a weekend away with 24 kids aged 7-11. Tired, would be an understatement… But it has been one of the most rewarding and enjoyable experiences I’ve had.
Monday, took my sister to school, went to pick up some stuff for her to take on weekend away, got some walking shoes for myself and some t-shirts (ideal for Kenya… 5 months away…) Then went home and did some revision, then picked my sister up from school and chilled with her for the evening.

Tuesday, again I took my sister to school, then went into school myself to do some Psychology and PE revision, which was helpful, then went home and did some more revision and  stuff.
Wednesday, had my second AS exam, Psychology Unit 1… I think it went ok, I mean I answered all the questions, which was a first for that subject this year… I sort of knew what I was talking about when I was answering them too… (Well I think I did?) Still, after that exam I did hard-core PE revision for the rest of the afternoon.
Thursday, did my PE exam, my third AS exam, I’m feeling I should have respected the questions a bit more, if that makes any sense? Thinking I could have done much better than I did, and not feeling too confident about my result there, but we’ll just have to wait and see :S
Friday, second to last AS exam, English Language, meh, again, I think it went ok, but gonna have to wait to see if it went well enough… Finished my exam, had lunch with my grandma, and then looked after my sister for most of the afternoon, we baked cakes and finished packing our bags for weekend away…

So then, 5pm came, Friday 24th May, and we were off in two minibuses and a car, on a weekend away, it took us twice as long to get there to what we’d planned, so consequently when we got the kids to camp they were pretty excited, and wanted to run riot. Still, we got their rooms sorted, laid down the rules and reward system and then it was dinner time, pizza and salad, it was good and seemed to go down well! Chores were done and then the first session of I’m A Leader Get Me Out Of Here... I may have been the first one out (balancing with a dodgy knee is never gonna end well) but I avoided being voted into the final… Then we had our first session of the weekend, involving a talk about Daniel and then a discussion in our room groups, which was great. Then it was time to try get them to bed…  Let me put it this way, we had to go into one room to get them to be quiet at 2 in the morning… then they were up at quarter to 6 the next morning?

Consequently Saturday was a long day! All the male leaders had got a good nights sleep because they were deep sleepers and everything, nice for them, but the three female leaders, including me were out of it, this meaning it was a real test of patience. The weather was lovely, which was a great start, and after morning warm up and breakfast and chores, we had our second session of the weekend, the talk was the story of The Fiery Furnace in Daniel, after that we had a discussion and then onto the second round of I’m A Leader Get Me Out Of Here… again, I didn’t win immunity, I gave doughnut eating a good go though, and it was a close round, and luckily I still didn’t get voted through to the final :D

We then let the kids have tuck and chill time, which was basically us playing a game of football and twister with them which was good fun! I then led a wide game, which was basically capture the flag, but with a slight twist and tokens instead of flags. Then it was lunch, chores and the third session (writings on the wall) followed by a discussion. After that, it was time for the activities, my group went on the climbing wall, they did really well, those that were a bit wobbly to start with got up there and at least tried it, so it was good to see them having a go. Then we went on to do archery, which was fun!

We went back to our hut thing?! We had dinner, did chores, did another round of I’m A Leader Get Me Out Of Here, this was the last round, for the third place in the final, I missed out on immunity yet again, so this meant it was between me and one other leader for the final, at one point I honestly thought it was going to be me, but luckily they saw sense and the majority voted for the other leader! So, I wasn’t getting gunged!! J

We then headed outside for a bonfire, we played some games, toasted some marshmallows, had some hot chocolate and one of the leaders shared their testimony with the kids, they listened well and took the opportunity with the spare time after to ask other leaders about how they became Christian, and it was great to see the kids listening, taking it in and asking questions after too.
After that, it was bed time, and they were asleep within half hour, which we were VERY thankful for! This meant that we got a good nights sleep, which was needed!

Then today, we had breakfast, listened to the finalists speeches to convince the kids not to vote for them to be gunged, then did chores and gave them the results! I  was quite surprised but there we go! We then had our last session of the weekend, which was the story of Daniel in the Lion’s Den, including a role-play from the leaders… (This is when doing GCSE Drama comes in handy!!) Followed by a discussion, then the gunging!!! The gunge was made up of all sorts from pea and ham soup, to marshmallows mixed with pasta and sauce, YUM! Then some free time, which was used for me to teach some of them some chords on the ukulele, it was great to have one of the kids especially who usually struggles a bit to concentrate and stay ‘settled’ came and sat and seemed to enjoy it and they were pretty good too! It gave them something to focus on, which was a great way to keep them occupied!
Then it was lunch time, followed by chores and prizes! After that was time to pack up and start heading home L
It was a great weekend, and I found it great being a leader and without being too cheesy, it was great getting to know the kids better, watching them grow in confidence and build relationships with each other, their team work together got so much better over the weekend, and I’m really hoping they keep that with them with the rest of the Friday Club Xtra group.
I found it a really rewarding experience and would definitely do it again! It was a positive weekend and refreshing too!

Music of the Week:

Mainly because I’ve been waiting sooooo long for her second album it’s got to be Jessie J’s new single!!
Wild ft. Big Sean and Dizzee Rascal – Jessie J: (acoustic teaser)
This one I’ve put in because I’ve been listening to this guy whilst revising, and the video for this specific song is pretty cool sooo…
Viva La Vida (cover) – David  Garrett:

Last one is from someone I used to play cricket with, it’s a summery cheery song, the video’s cool and just thought it was a song you guys should hear J ENJOY!
Milk and Cookies – Malory Torr:

Quotes of the Week:

‘doing good, feels good’

‘don’t try your best, because if your best isn’t good enough, there’s no need to get upset about it’ (a simplistic idea my sister came up with when I was freaking about one of my exams…)

‘are we in front of the other minibus behind us?’ – from one of the kids today on the way home, I think this one sums up how tired we all were after a really great weekend!

evan. :)

Sunday, 19 May 2013

19th May 2013: busy printing and revising.

Monday 13th May: rainbows, hospitals and a late night.

Tuesday 14th May: ice packs, sleep and revision.

Wednesday 15th May: *insert inspirational quote here*

Thursday 16th May: revision and sleep.

Friday 17th May: one down, four to go...

Saturday 18th May: mind blown.

Sunday 19th May: busy printing and revising.
Well, if I said this week was uneventful, I'd be lying...

Monday was my first day on study leave, went in to sixth form to do cricket practical for A Level PE, my day then ended with me at A'n'E having x-rays on my knee, bit of physio style moving the knee about and me in quite a bit of pain... Tuesday, I slept, revised and went in for a PE theory revision session, slept some more and did some more revision... Wednesday, Psychology lesson (seeing as we still haven't finished part of the course) the sessions got screwed up by a certain person with authority demanding our teacher turned it into a revision session for the other class too... Thursday, PE revision session and psychology... Friday, my first AS exam, English Literature, I'm pretty sure I answered one of the questions completely wrong, oh well it could hae gone worse, I could have answered both the questions completely wrong, or not answered at all... Friday also saw the 1 week countdown to the Weekend Away with the youth club I'm a leader at, looking forward to it :)
Saturday saw me go for a walk along the river, sort of wishing I hadn't after, then  having a revision session with some friends, involving cake and cookies, having dinner out, then coming home for the Doctor Who Series Finale.... *spoilers* I think the fact it ended with the guy who sold Harry Potter his wand/the guy who does the voice for the dragon in Merlin being introduced as 'The Doctor', and River already being dead and Clara choosing the TARDIS, I can't even, basically Moffat, you little... dalek.
Today, I've been printing off the info for next weekend, sorting my stuff out for it, making sure I actually know what we're looking at whilst we're there, revising, helping my sister with her homework, eating and finding old music videos and tv programmes from when I was younger, being the classic 90s kid that I am!!

Music of the Week:

Get Lucky - Tom Crouch (cover):
sorry, yet another cover of this song, but I'm loving it!! Tom's a great singer/songwriter and some people may know him from being the ginger that toured with Gabrielle Aplin.

Popular Song - Mika ft. Ariana Grande:
yes, the catchy part of the song is from Wicked, I think it's summery tune, came across it today, and cos I used to like Mika's stuff and have always liked Ariana's stuff thought I'd give it a listen, and I've had it stuck in my head all day...

Comin' Atcha! - Cleopatra:
an old classic, thanks to The Voice last week, I was reminded of this song, which was literally one of my favourite songs when I was younger, used to know the dance routine and everything... (should I really have told you that?)

Quote of the Week: 'everything starts with a wish, but everything can be real' basically, this is from Jessie J's website, snippet of her new song is up on her website too :)

speak next week after my 3 exams and the weekend away, and whatever else will happen :)

evan. :)

Sunday, 12 May 2013

12th May 2013: fortune cookies.

Monday 6th May: so very nearly finished all coursework for a year...

Tuesday 7th May: just a bit of a long day...

Wednesday 8th May: a bit of rain.
Thursday 9th May: my day's been a bit like the weather, a bit all over the place...

Friday 10th May: moderation, leavers and sleep.

Saturday 11th May: english rain.

Sunday 12th May: fortune cookies.
This week was a bit all over the place… Monday was alright, came home from being away for the weekend. Tuesday, didn’t really do much, had four English lessons, psychology, cricket training for the year 8 boys and then went to the doctors to try sort out my ears, knee and asthma, didn’t really get very far with any of it, which was irritating. I didn’t really do much Wednesday either, but I finally completely finished my English language coursework, so handed that in J  and spent most of my evening in bed feeling sorry for myself.
Thursday was an annoying day; I was supposed to do my cricket practical for PE AS Level, which got moved because of the rain. Friday, I woke up in the worst mood ever; I then had to make my way to AS Level moderation… for football. Now, bit of background information, I haven’t played a competitive football match for about 3 years. I was the only girl, and there were about 6 other boys? I got through it, had an asthma attack, was patronised by one of my teachers and then went back to sixth-form for the rest of the day, which was great fun! I got home, fell asleep, got changed then ate dinner, had another half hour sleep and then went to club to help out, came home went straight to sleep.
Yesterday, I tidied my room, did some Psychology work, got Gabrielle Aplin’s new CD ‘English Rain’ and listened to that a lot, and then went to see Star Trek (which is absolutely amazing!!!) Today, I finished tidying my room, then did some PE revision and went out for a Chinese buffet with some friends for one of their birthdays J
Music of the week:
Radioactive (cover) - Gabrielle Aplin:
Pathways – Billy Lockett:
Laura Palmer (cover) – Lauren Aquilina:
Quote of the week:  ‘an obstacle is often a stepping stone.’ (oh, I do love a fortune cookie every now and then) J
Things of the week: Gabrielle Aplin’s ‘English Rain’, an absolutely stunning album, with insane vocals and a variety of style, upbeat summer tunes and slower chilled sunset songs.

The Star Trek film ‘Into Darkness’ is amazing too, a clash of fandoms, with Sherlock himself, Benedict Cumberbatch as the bad guy, Mickey from Doctor Who, Simon Pegg and a return from Leonard Nimroy, definitely a must see with a bit of everything, and a rather good looking James T. Kirk…
Also guys, my friend Julie ‘Peapod’ is gonna be making some more videos on her YouTube channel, she’s uploaded two this week… go subscribe and check out her videos so far, music and videos to check out too… Enjoy!
The next week brings study leave, lots of revision and my first exam, and I’m really not looking forward to it…
evan. :)

Sunday, 5 May 2013

5th May 2013: 'life is a rollercoaster, just gotta ride it'.

Monday 29th April: mocks, more coursework and music.
Tuesday 30th April:  'we can't build our walls, unless you knock down yours'
Wednesday 1st May:  may can only mean one thing... exams.
Thursday 2nd May: a grades, birthdays, coursework and deadlines.
Friday 3rd May: silence in the library.
Saturday 4th May: may the fourth be with you...

Sunday 5th May: 'life is a rollercoaster, just gotta ride it'.
This week really has been a bit all over the place. Monday, I spent 3 hours altogether doing mocks, then went home and did coursework... Tuesday, I had pretty full day at sixth form, went home had a sleep, then went out to a Frank Hamilton gig. Wednesday, sorted the Year 8 boys cricket team out, then went out for a meal. Thursday, it was my Granddad (Papa's) birthday, I found out that as it stands one of my English Lit courseworks is at an A grade... which will make up for the rest of the course... In the evening we went to my grandparents house for a curry evening. Friday, I spent 5 hours in a library, nearly 3 hours at the youth club, and 3 and a half hours babysitting... Saturday, I helped with clearing out a loft, and eating out again. Today, packing some stuff up in that loft and having a bit of a challenging evening, which I decided to end with a walk to the beach to watch the sunset, which was much needed.

This week has also seen us get out flight details for Kenya,, which is a scary thought... 13 hours there... 9 hours back... I've never been on a plane before, so this could prove to be interesting...
I haven't watched Doctor Who yet, so can't comment on that. So yeah...

Quote of the Week: a journey of a thousand miles must begin with a small step.

Music of the Week:
Get Lucky (Daft Punk cover) - Daughter:

One Last Time (Week 39) - Frank Hamilton

Climb On Board - Labrinth:


sunset at the beach tonight...

sorry for the cheesy blog name today, but it really is true, ronan keating i believe?

have a good week :)
evan. :)

Frank Hamilton Gig: 30th April 2013.

I'd been looking forward to this gig, for a rather long time... and I can safely say I wasn't disappointed, at all.
One thing I really enjoy about smaller gigs, is that you can see two support acts and get a feel of if they can sing live or not...

So, the first support act on stage was Martha... She was great! I'd downloaded one of her singles 'As We Go' and that's catchy and very summery... Her voice was well accompanied with her guitar/ukulele and harmonised with her friend, that I'm afraid I don't know the name of, but they sounded great together :)

Martha Paton
Second onto stage, Being Buffalo... or 'Big Buffalo' as Evie thought they were called... They had an interesting mic testing technique which involved repeating '1.. 2... woahh!!' over and over again, which sounded quite amusing. They weren't great I admit, but they weren't ear-bleeding with how painfully rubbish they were... Some may beg to differ... Still the main singer seemed alright when we grabbed a photo with him afterwards, even if he'd had a bit too much to drink... 
Being Buffalo
Then... Frank! Wow! Well... he's pretty insane anyway... But live drums, and full band, I was away with the fairies. He sang all my favourites, apart from Waterloo Guildford. Afterwards, we grabbed his set list, and I got that signed for my sister, and I got a poster signed for myself. He was one of the most genuine, loveliest people I think I've ever met :) Another pretty epic thing, was that he knew exactly who I was, and no I've never met him before :D

Frank Hamilton

me and frank, and for once it was him that got caught out by the flash...
Martha - As We Go:
Being Buffalo - Hope:

Frank Hamilton - Flaws & Ceilings:

evan. :)