So, I keep typing up lots of blogs and not posting them, I will get past this phase hopefully. It feels weird blogging and I'm seriously lacking motivation at the minute, not writing about music feels kind of uncomfortable. I feel like that's what I've zoned myself into now, I feel that's my comfort zone when it comes to blogging now, and I kind of hate that! I loved this blog, this is where it all started. I've got some many blog ideas, but I spend a day writing one out and hate it.
I did have an idea to do the '100 Things That Make Me Happy' blog tag, and I still want to, but I feel like writing about them just isn't interesting to people. I have got some more ideas over this summer, and I guess I need to just post them out and not care what people think about them, I've already learnt that if people aren't interested the just won't click on the link - and that's fine!
It's become easy to focus too much on views with blogs, Music In Time is growing (really well) and this blog is still at the start of the race. I never wanted this blog to become massive and I always wanted to keep it as a personal writing space which others read as well, it's just hard to keep it that way!
Still, in between a full schedule of sixth form, work, MIT and life, I'll be drafting (and eventually posting) some blogs from over the summer.
Mind ramble/rant thing over and back to reading the news for media, congratulations to Wills and Kate - some good news for once!