Sunday, 22 February 2015

a photo is worth a thousand words right?!

I'm writing this blog from the comfort of my bedroom, sat on my bed trying to ignore the crap weather on the other side of my window. I've got a headache (again), I'm tired and I'm starting to get one of my anxious tummy aches, so I'm sure I'll be finishing my evening off with a cup of 'funny' tea (as my family like to call it) and carrying on with some of coursework to keep my mind occupied.

The past week has been a weird one, I've struggled to motivate myself out of bed, so setting things to do for the past couple of days with family and friends has helped me get around that one. So, again, I'm just going to share a couple of photos, because 'a photo is worth a thousand words' and right now, words seem to be failing me :) 

'til next time!
- evan.

Sunday, 15 February 2015

a busy break.

Somehow it's already got round to Sunday, and it's also half term. Being in the last year of sixth form (again), this means that coursework deadlines are looming, as well as the build up to exam preparation.
Half term never seems to be a break for me, I'm usually behind on work of all kinds and I see it more as a time to attempt to catch up. However, my body seems to see it as a time to be ill and not get half as much done as I'd hoped...
This time, I've attempted to create a to-do list for the whole of the half term, including a daily break down of what I want to get done, plans have already been changed a little since this morning, so I'm not sure this whole idea is going to work out very well to be honest, but I'm going to take it all in my stride...

I must admit, even though I'm feeling really crap right now, I've got a few things to look forward to, like spending time with a friend I don't see as much as I used to, spending time with family, going to the zoo, hopefully a trip down to the coast etc. but I have a lot of poetry to write, 3000 words of creative writing to write, a media essay to finish, a linked production piece to plan out, an inbox to sort through, emails to reply to, questions for interviews to put together, emails to be sent, drafts to be put together for both blogs, a bedroom to finish sorting out and a couple of other bits here and there.

I'm also quite happy with how my 'Best of 2015' jar is slowly filling up, I'm doing my classic of including the small things that make me happy every few days as well as the bigger things to remember, so that's helping the process. I'm also managing to read every now and then, I've been trying to set aside half an hour to an hour each day to catch up on blogs, read parts of my magazines (it's been a mix of NME, Kerrang, RockSound and Nat Geo), a bit of poetry here and there, and I'm currently reading 'After Auschwitz', which will be another one to tick off of my reading list.

I think my highlight of the past week has to be seeing Rae Morris and Fryars live, if I haven't already raved about it enough on social media and my other blog, I'm sharing the love here too!

What have you been up to in the past week? What are your plans for next week?
- evan. :)

Sunday, 8 February 2015

solace of snow.

I haven't had the best of weeks, so I'm going limited words and just sharing a few photos with you today. Fingers crossed I'll have something a bit more blogworthy for you next week.
(But please don't hold your breath because I've got coursework deadlines to meet and that's not looking too positive either...)

Anyway, here's some photos that my sister and I took of the snow that lasted a day and a bit.

-evan. :)

Sunday, 1 February 2015

january favourites.

January is never that great a month, the cold weather has no promise of festivities and the looming deadlines of coursework start to actually take their toll on you. However, January hasn't been that bad, I've seen a few friends that I hadn't seen for a while, met a couple of new people, that I hope to keep in touch with aaand certain projects have become a little more exciting in the outlook to their futures...

I thought I'd share a few of my favourite things (without sounding too much like the Sound of Music...) with you, as it was an excuse to play around with my camera some more, and it gave me content, which I thought might actually be interesting to some people... - but let me know on that last point! So, in no particular order, here's a few things I've been loving this month.

1. 'A Visual Journey' by Ed Sheeran and Philip Butah (book)
I'm a big reader of autobiographies and I love art, so combine two things, and make it all about a musician that I'm a pretty huge fan of... I'm going to be hooked... I loved the concept of this and asked Father Christmas to get it for me as my main 'pillowcase present' for Christmas '14, and sure enough good old Santa wrapped it up and Rudolph dropped it off. I'd been flicking through it every now and then, but I had one night earlier in the month that I was still awake at 3am and I decided this was a perfect time to read the book, and sure enough I read it all that night. If you're interested in music, art or people, this is a perfect read for you!

2. Into The Woods (film)
I haven't been a huge fan of the recent Disney films and I can't say I've been too impressed with the musicals *cough* Frozen *cough*. BUT I went to the cinema with the fam the other day and surprisingly really enjoyed this film. I feel like the cast did play a huge part in that, with actors and actresses that I really like, and people that can sing without being too 'stagey'. I did find the soundtrack incredibly repetitive and a bit too in your face, probably the original Broadway musical influence there, but there were a couple of songs that I thought, 'Yeah, I like this'. I struggled with the plot a bit, but then that's what I haven't particularly liked about Disney's films in the past few years, so there we go! Overall, a good family fun that everyone will enjoy - ooft how cheesy did that sound?!

3. Nintendo 64
I've fallen back in love with old games, not just Nintendo 64, my Playstation 1 games have had a bit of love recently too, but Diddy Kong Racing and World Cup on N64 just beat Powerpuff Girls to the finish line... In all seriousness, I've been playing World Cup '98 and Diddy Kong Racing every day and it's great because despite having a Playstation 3 (which obviously has better graphics and more to do/play etc.) my little sister has been asking me 24/7 to play on the N64 and PS2. Retro Games 1 - 0 Today's Technology :)

4. Eminem
I've been studying and writing poetry for a course at sixth form, lacking a 'clever' vocal, I started listening to more rap and spoken word, as reading poetry isn't my favourite cup of tea, when there are more 'interesting' modern alternatives (not degrading poetry at all, I still like it but only in very small doses). However, I've learnt the majority of my favourite verses of his, due to listening to him A LOT and I watched 8 Mile, which I really enjoyed, but hated the ending. So, yeah losing myself in the music (apologies for yet another awful pun...).

5. Fererro Roche
Basically, we got some over Christmas, and I've tried making them last but I think they are my favourite chocolatey treat! That is all.

6. The Book Thief (film)
I haven't read the book, but I watched the film the other day and absolutely loved it. I enjoy most films about war, I think appreciate might be a more suitable word, but you get what I mean (I hope!) especially the second world war. This film stood out to me as it wasn't directly following soldiers of that war or their families, like most films or TV series do, it followed a young girl affected by the war and her story through being fostered, taught to read and onwards, it's just really good and I'd urge you to watch it! 

7. Unguarded - Rae Morris
My favourite album release from this month, along with a couple of others, which I will probably listen to a bit more (and include in next months blog...). Being Rae's debut album there is a mix of previous releases and new material, all of which I love and get stuck in my head often. I reckon (and really hope) this is Rae's year! Definitely worth a listen! :) 

What have you been loving in January? 
- evan. :)