in recent weeks i have spent more time around dogs and noticed how much of a calming effect they can have on me; they ease anxiety, lift sadness and in general bring a smile to my face. we recently adopted a rescue dog; a staffie bull terrier named Jade, and lovingly nicknamed dobby when she lifts her ears and tilts her head slightly every now and then. it's been wonderful to see how her presence has made such a difference in my sisters life, and has had a knock on effect for the rest of us too.
however, recently i've also seen another side of how having a dog can be beneficial and also kind of a sad thing too. i stayed in a house with five dogs last week, one of their owners had recently passed away and slowly you watched them sense something was up. the day we arrived they were full of energy, bouncy and lively dogs; as our visit neared the end the characteristics slowly changed and they all became more subdued and followed their other owner around a lot more, keeping them company and clearly sensing a sadness and emptiness in the air. waiting for their human to arrive back home, laying by the gate hoping they'd return once more and eventually it sinking in and lying on the sofa with a solemn glimpse in their eye.
- til next time,