Only had two lessons today, which was nice! Both were PE, one wasn't as good as the other, but I won't say which was better...
The fourth day of rag week, was heroes and villains, meaning a Harlem Shake took place in the common room... I was going to full up dress as Doctor Who, but I woke up in a foul mood, and didn't have very long to get ready so settled for a doctor who t-shirt, reasoning for today's photo changing... I've been really lazy with the photos recently, sorry!!
Oh and I escaped the cave!!! I got fed up and used a rope in the end... I've now learnt flash too.. So I'm prepared for next time :)
Also, Lauren Aquilina has announced a second tour, very limited tickets for London and Leeds left, but there's quite a few other places she's going to as well... So check them out... she's 'the next Beyonce...', on a serious note, she is very good live... :)
Cyaa in March! (How is it already march? It's gone so quick... 2 months and I'll be doing my AS exams... bleurgh why did I say that?)
evan. :)
Thursday, 28 February 2013
Wednesday, 27 February 2013
27th January 2013: an eventful day...
Today was interesting, pretty much something happened every lesson. For the third day of rag week it was cowboys v indians, I wore a checked shirt and jeans, because that's the best I could do... Tomorrow's gonna be a good one ;)
So I went in late today, because I had frees... First lesson was Psychology, which wasn't too bad a lesson, found out about our schools ideas to improve the school, that we were supposed to have known about? But, would have only known about if we'd gone in the dining room, which half of us, don't!
Moving onto my EPQ lesson, that was spent looking for a teacher that wasn't even there, and now we're gonna have to change teacher again... so this will be our 4th?! Which was quite frustrating for us today...
Then lunchtime brought bushtucker trials, which stank out the main hall, but was done well and raised a good amount, so good on the guys who organised it :)
Then during tutor and 5th, and a little bit after school, FIRST AID!! It wasn't too bad... There was a bit of blood involved and there was some normal bits I already knew, but at least I'm going to get something out of it...:)
Then I came home, ate dinner, listened to music, played Pokemon, because I'm still stuck in a cave, this is why you get Flash before you go in... Then I fell asleep for 2 hours...
Then I woke up, and started typing this, realising I hadn't taken a photo today, and so I took a photo of my hot chocolate, that wasn't too hot this time, and was drinkable, and I didn't burn my mouth, unlike the other day...
So I probably won't get to sleep yet, so I'll probably end up watching a film, or playing more Pokemon, or something?!
I already know what I'm taking a photo of tomorrow... :)
evan. :)
Tuesday, 26 February 2013
26th January 2013: school uniform and avril lavigne.
Today for the second day of rag week, it was the return of school uniform. So, that is today's photo, however, I only wore my blouse because I hateed the school trousers, it was too cold to wear a skirt, and my mum chucked out my preferred blazer and left me with the one that is way too big for me... :P
I had an alright day, late start which is always nice, so I got to take my sister to school :) Then I went in, had Psychology, a free, English and another English lesson, because I just love English...
Then I came home, watched my old Avril Lavigne tour DVD, then I fell asleep, and now I'm getting ready to go out.. :)
5 sleeps til Girls Aloud!!!!
Oh, and by the way, I embrace odd socks with open arms.
evan. :)
I had an alright day, late start which is always nice, so I got to take my sister to school :) Then I went in, had Psychology, a free, English and another English lesson, because I just love English...
Then I came home, watched my old Avril Lavigne tour DVD, then I fell asleep, and now I'm getting ready to go out.. :)
5 sleeps til Girls Aloud!!!!
Oh, and by the way, I embrace odd socks with open arms.
evan. :)
Monday, 25 February 2013
25th February 2013: concert, gig, gig, gig.
So, I got distracted by Philippa asking what a whole load of songs were. I dressed up in my cricket kit for the first day of rag week. We also got pre-sale tickets for Lauren Aquilina, and I missed out on the week countdown to Girls Aloud yesterday!! So it's now only 6 days til Phil, Chloe and Me go and see Girls Aloud!!
Today has been pretty boring really, I had English Lit where we just looked at two poems, then I had a free and got the Lauren Aquilina tickets, then I had double psychology, which I've come to the conclusion I hate having on a Monday. Then I had a free, because my teacher's on paternity leave? Is that the right saying? I don't know! Short blog today, cos I'm kinda tired and wanna listen to music and get out of the cave im stuck in in Pokemon...
evan. :)
Today has been pretty boring really, I had English Lit where we just looked at two poems, then I had a free and got the Lauren Aquilina tickets, then I had double psychology, which I've come to the conclusion I hate having on a Monday. Then I had a free, because my teacher's on paternity leave? Is that the right saying? I don't know! Short blog today, cos I'm kinda tired and wanna listen to music and get out of the cave im stuck in in Pokemon...
evan. :)
Sunday, 24 February 2013
24th February 2013: philippa is cool.
As I start to write this, I'm on the phone to Philippa, on a hype about the Aquitour, that has just been announced. Then Philippa, went a bit crazy...
Anyways!! Time to start thinking about bed, with a hot chocolate, and a film...
Step Up 2 tonight, and it was pretty good! It's rag week, back at sixth form this week... so no doubt there'll be pictures of that, however I'll admit now, I don't put that much effort in.. I dunno, I'll dress up, but I won't go full out :P
I tidied my room and bookshelf today, that's what's happening in the photo for today... and Duck photo bombed again?! :D yayy!! Now time to do a few poems, then I'll be off to bed ready for an earlier get up than the past week :( oh well!!
Saturday, 23 February 2013
23rd February 2013: food, thank you cards and singer/songwriters.
So today, I got up rather late, played pokemon, listened to music, went out for lunch, and then came home and made thank you cards for people that have given donations towards my Kenya Trip, and listened to a lot of music, choosing 5 people to look at for my blog today... It was hard, as I wanted to try and focus on people that not many people had heard of, however I obviously feel I should cover people I will have told you about, because I've followed them from their YouTube days to getting their EP in the singer/songwriters TOP 10 in the Album chart... I'm not going to be able to tell you what genre they come under, because I'm useless at that.
So, here goes:

2. Frank Hamilton... ok, so I've got tickets for him in April, and I'm




5. Josh Record... I heard about Josh through Sam Pepper on his LA Dream video, his song 'For Your Love' is 'lovely' as I described it to my friend... His EP, Bones is definitely one to chill to, he's from London, and I wish he was gigging around my area, because I'd be there...
Others I would have loved to have included, but ran out of time and decided most of them you have probably heard of...:
-Ben Howard (although after the Brits...)
-Charlie Simpson (yes, the one from Busted):
-Emily and the Woods:
-Everything Everything:
-Gabrielle Aplin:
-Imagine Dragons:
-Jake West:
-Katie Sky:
-Paper Lions:
-Sons & Lovers:
-Walk The Moon:
so there you go!! I'm sorry about ending up putting loads of links, but I think they're all great artists/bands, many of them are getting bigger now, but it's been crazy to watch some of them grow from YouTube and support acts for slightly smaller people to being bigger and better known people and bands.
Enjoy listening to them!
Off to do some English and annotate some poems now :/
evan. :)
Friday, 22 February 2013
22nd February 2013: birthday cake, busted and ben howard.
So today, we say RIP to the tree outside our house, that was in our neighbours garden, because they didn't want it there, so that's one of the photos, then I checked my blog, cos I'm cool like that, and noticed I had exactly 2,000 pageviews, which is crazy!! So thank you to everyone that reads this, even if this is your first blog entry you've read or if it's the first one you've read in a week, or if you read it everyday. It weird how it actually means something to me, cos you either come here to see my photos/videos or to read what I have to say, which isn't a lot recently, I admit. So, I think I've come to a conclusion, I'm going to have a day where I write a longer blog on a specific topic each week, and this will be on a Saturday, seeing as that's the day, I usually have the most time to do stuff... I will still be blogging every day, but obviously it won't be in as much depth as the Saturday blog... Tomorrow's going to be about The Brits, music and singer/songwriters you should look out for :)
Jumping to the last photo and time to tell what I did today, I listened to Busted, got ready to go out, then I WENT TO LASERQUEST! It was for a birthday party of a family friends, and it was pretty cool, there was a kid who was obssessed with Pokemon, who ended up talking to me about it for an hour, I'm pretty sure without breathing... In the first game I was ranked 2nd cos I'm amazing, then the second game, didn't go so well... But let's leave that shall we...
Then I came home, listened to Ben Howard, fell asleep (not because his music is boring) then woke up and watched Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1, and realised why I had only watched it twice, compared to the millions of times I'd watched the others... And because someone I know that reads this, would kill me if I ruined what happens in the last 2 films, cos crazily they haven't watched/read them yet, I won't say exactly what stops me, but it involves, snakes, Bellatrix and Dobby. If you're a potterhead, you'll get exactly what I mean...
Right, I'm off to go listen to more music, probably Billy Lockett, to stick with the 'B' theme of today...oh and either read or play Pokemon :)
Goodnight and Thank You!!
Jumping to the last photo and time to tell what I did today, I listened to Busted, got ready to go out, then I WENT TO LASERQUEST! It was for a birthday party of a family friends, and it was pretty cool, there was a kid who was obssessed with Pokemon, who ended up talking to me about it for an hour, I'm pretty sure without breathing... In the first game I was ranked 2nd cos I'm amazing, then the second game, didn't go so well... But let's leave that shall we...
Then I came home, listened to Ben Howard, fell asleep (not because his music is boring) then woke up and watched Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1, and realised why I had only watched it twice, compared to the millions of times I'd watched the others... And because someone I know that reads this, would kill me if I ruined what happens in the last 2 films, cos crazily they haven't watched/read them yet, I won't say exactly what stops me, but it involves, snakes, Bellatrix and Dobby. If you're a potterhead, you'll get exactly what I mean...
Right, I'm off to go listen to more music, probably Billy Lockett, to stick with the 'B' theme of today...oh and either read or play Pokemon :)
Goodnight and Thank You!!
Thursday, 21 February 2013
21st February 2013: smile!
Today's photo is of the field from my bedroom window. I've had a pretty chill day, got up about 9.30, got to orthodontists for 10, that's surely a record? Anyways, they said my teeth hadn't moved that much, and so I only need to wear my retainer at night.. YAY!! 6 months, and it might all be over :)
Then we came home, I put together a video, from a certain trip to London? I've done quite well on twitter this week, tweets from Mark Butcher, Shanel Daley, Ebony Rainford-Brent, Frank Hamilton, Saint Raymond and Luminites followed me, as well as a lot of singer/songwriters and new bands, I'll do a specific blog on them at the weekend :)
Apart from that I haven't really done that much apart from make a birthday card, for my sisters friend tomorrow, and I'm going Laserquest tomorrow!! YES!! I also did some revision notes for PE, might actually attempt some English coursework tomorrow...
You'd think that seeing as it's half term I'd be doing lots of stuff and would have the time and commitment to do a better, longer and more interesting blog, but I don', I'm sorry...
Anyways, a video for you today, it's kinda long, but it's worth watching, and the links aren't in a description, they're in yesterday's blog... :)
thank you
evan. :)
Then we came home, I put together a video, from a certain trip to London? I've done quite well on twitter this week, tweets from Mark Butcher, Shanel Daley, Ebony Rainford-Brent, Frank Hamilton, Saint Raymond and Luminites followed me, as well as a lot of singer/songwriters and new bands, I'll do a specific blog on them at the weekend :)
Apart from that I haven't really done that much apart from make a birthday card, for my sisters friend tomorrow, and I'm going Laserquest tomorrow!! YES!! I also did some revision notes for PE, might actually attempt some English coursework tomorrow...
You'd think that seeing as it's half term I'd be doing lots of stuff and would have the time and commitment to do a better, longer and more interesting blog, but I don', I'm sorry...
Anyways, a video for you today, it's kinda long, but it's worth watching, and the links aren't in a description, they're in yesterday's blog... :)
thank you
evan. :)
Wednesday, 20 February 2013
20th February 2013: music, photos, videos and flash.
So today's blog is yeterdays events basically. I had a great day and night. It started at 11.56am, as we got on the train to London. We got to Waterloo, looked for somewhere nice to eat, but everywhere was either packed or too expensive, yeah we were probably being too picky, but oh well... So we settled for a sandwhich from M&S, which was pretty tasty, and we sat by South Bank, people watching, which was interesting, then we did our traditional walk down to London Eye and back, we saw Colin Jackson, the Olympic sprint hurdler and some insane street performers, and some really weird ones too...
We then walked down to Trafalgar Square, took some photos and did some filming, which ended with me getting scared by a pidgeon flying towards me through my camera screen, and hitting my head on the marble fountain thing, and then getting laughed at... Then we headed back to South Bank, sat watching skaters for about an hour, which was pretty chill. After that, we got on the train to Tower Hill, we walked round the Tower, and walked over the Tower Bridge, which was horrible experience, especially standing near the edge trying to dodge the people on the immensely busy path.
We then decided, we should probably start heading to where the venue was, so we knew where it was, and so we got a train to Kings Cross St. Pancras, Platform 9 and 3/4 was closed and the station was packed, so I'm assuming there was problems with the trains or something? Anyways, we walked up to the venue, and then found a Costa, seeing as we hadn't had a Nandos, I thought the closest thing we could get to Aquitradition was a giant bourbon from Costa? We sat there for about 2 hours? Drinking hot chocolate, playing that four picture one word game? and listening to Lauren's songs and people watching again...
Then it was time for the gig, it was Lauren Aquilina's first headline tour, and it was the first night... The support acts were Billy Lockett and Saint Raymond (links for them at the bottom), and they were insane! If you get a chance to see them live, do it! It was a great gig and great music, including some new tracks from Lauren, a duet with (Bryce) who was also amazing, a loop pedal mash up and finished with Fools.
It was a pretty crazy day, but a good one, and there will be a video in the next few days, but I ended up going out this morning shopping, and then fell asleep this afternoon, so I'll start on it this afternoon, Saturday at the latest :) Oh, an extra comment, I will forever hate flash on cameras!
Thank you to Billy Lockett, Saint Raymond (Callum) and Lauren Aquilina, for a great evening and photos :)
evan. :)
Billy Lockett: YouTube:
Saint Raymond: YouTube:
Lauren Aquilina: YouTube:
We then walked down to Trafalgar Square, took some photos and did some filming, which ended with me getting scared by a pidgeon flying towards me through my camera screen, and hitting my head on the marble fountain thing, and then getting laughed at... Then we headed back to South Bank, sat watching skaters for about an hour, which was pretty chill. After that, we got on the train to Tower Hill, we walked round the Tower, and walked over the Tower Bridge, which was horrible experience, especially standing near the edge trying to dodge the people on the immensely busy path.
We then decided, we should probably start heading to where the venue was, so we knew where it was, and so we got a train to Kings Cross St. Pancras, Platform 9 and 3/4 was closed and the station was packed, so I'm assuming there was problems with the trains or something? Anyways, we walked up to the venue, and then found a Costa, seeing as we hadn't had a Nandos, I thought the closest thing we could get to Aquitradition was a giant bourbon from Costa? We sat there for about 2 hours? Drinking hot chocolate, playing that four picture one word game? and listening to Lauren's songs and people watching again...
Then it was time for the gig, it was Lauren Aquilina's first headline tour, and it was the first night... The support acts were Billy Lockett and Saint Raymond (links for them at the bottom), and they were insane! If you get a chance to see them live, do it! It was a great gig and great music, including some new tracks from Lauren, a duet with (Bryce) who was also amazing, a loop pedal mash up and finished with Fools.
It was a pretty crazy day, but a good one, and there will be a video in the next few days, but I ended up going out this morning shopping, and then fell asleep this afternoon, so I'll start on it this afternoon, Saturday at the latest :) Oh, an extra comment, I will forever hate flash on cameras!
Thank you to Billy Lockett, Saint Raymond (Callum) and Lauren Aquilina, for a great evening and photos :)
evan. :)
Billy Lockett: YouTube:
Saint Raymond: YouTube:
Lauren Aquilina: YouTube:
Tuesday, 19 February 2013
19th February 2013: an intro and article.
Today, I'm off to London with my friend Philippa, we're going to be spending a day up there taking photos, filming and eating. Then, we're seeing Lauren Aquilina!! Oh and I think we're planning on going to Platform 9 and 3/4 :) So you'll get all the info, photos and stuff about that tomorrow :)
Today's blog is actual an article I wrote as a draft for my English, dunno whether I'm actually allowed to do this, but it makes it seem that little bit more worthwhile... So here it is:
Also, I filmed a video yesterday... which is the first of a series I'm calling evan:24seven not because it's me 24/7 or anything like that, just because it sounded good when a friend suggested it, and it linked nicely to onedayatatimeevan... So shoutout to Lailana for that.. THANK YOUU!! I'm planning on filming one today too, so keep your eyes peeled :)
It's only short, as it's only an intro... but here you go :)
thank you!
evan. :)
Today's blog is actual an article I wrote as a draft for my English, dunno whether I'm actually allowed to do this, but it makes it seem that little bit more worthwhile... So here it is:
It’s worrying that, seven out of 10 adults in the UK are
leading ‘sedentary lifestyles’. Meaning that they are moderately active for
less than one 30 minute period a week. It’s dangerous to their health. It’s
dangerous to their lives. Are you one of these people?
During the Olympics, I saw and heard never-ending comments
about how the Olympians and Paralympians were an inspiration to a lot of
people. For example, David Weir, Paralympic wheelchair athlete, was born with a
spinal cord transection, leaving him unable to use his legs. Another
Paralympian, Jonnie Peacock, a sprint runner, who aged five had contracted
meningitis resulting in his right leg having to be amputated. Still, at the age
of 19 he has run for his country in the Paralympics and won gold. Yet the
number of physically inactive people keeps rising. Exercise for many people is
a daunting prospect. It’s believed by too many people that so long as we have a
balanced diet, then that’s fine, we’re living healthy. Wrong, without exercise
we are at risk of cancers, heart diseases and bone disorders, yes, even if you
eat healthily. People who say they don’t do exercise because they can’t afford
it, whether that’s because they can’t afford to join a gym or get the kit or
equipment needed for a specific sport. However, a walk is free, a jog is free,
and a workout at home can be free.
It’s encouraging to see in sports like football and cricket,
there is a lot of work being done to increase participation in the disability
competitions and tournaments. There’s an increase in organisations funding
these tournaments and activities. In recent months, lots of funding has been
pumped into elite levels, but the grass roots have been left. So unless you
play for your county or country, your team and your personal sport have been
left to suffer. It seems harder
to find clubs and organisations to play fun sports, rather
than just jogging, which I admit can be boring (but it’s still better than
nothing). Should we blame it on organisations like Sport England, or do we
blame it on local clubs not advertising for new members/players. Surely, we
should be encouraging children to take part in physical activity rather than
sit inside and play on computer games or watching the latest episode of TOWIE.
If they did take part in exercise whether a kick about with friends after
school in the park or a kick about in the garden, there should be more of it.
Even if it is easy to sit down on a Saturday afternoon to watch sport on TV,
with a pizza and a bottle of your favourite drink, but more people need to get
up and join in. Taking part in physical
activity has many positives and lacks in negatives. A positive being that it is
one of the most effective ways to relieve stress, it’s also a good way to make
new friends. Should we be doing more exercise?
Also, I filmed a video yesterday... which is the first of a series I'm calling evan:24seven not because it's me 24/7 or anything like that, just because it sounded good when a friend suggested it, and it linked nicely to onedayatatimeevan... So shoutout to Lailana for that.. THANK YOUU!! I'm planning on filming one today too, so keep your eyes peeled :)
It's only short, as it's only an intro... but here you go :)
evan. :)
Monday, 18 February 2013
18th February 2013: filming, music and tomorrow.
Today I spent, playing the guitar working out a nice intro to a new series of videos, the first of which you'll get to see tomorrow! As it's the first, it's called an introduction... You'll find out more tomorrow obviously, I'll give you a heads up about tomorrow, I'm going to London at 12... So I'll post a blog still, but it won't be about what I do that day... Instead I'll be posting, a video, a photo and my article for my coursework....
The reason you'll find out about on Wednesday :)
Another short blog today, I'm really sorry, but I'm spending some time with my sister, watching a film and having a sleepover in my room, so see y'all tomorrow :)
evan. :)
The reason you'll find out about on Wednesday :)
Another short blog today, I'm really sorry, but I'm spending some time with my sister, watching a film and having a sleepover in my room, so see y'all tomorrow :)
evan. :)
Sunday, 17 February 2013
17th February 2013: cricket, roast and tweets.
So today, I woke up feeling a lot better than yesterday, I got up before 10! Watched some of the ladies cricket final, then went to cricket training myself, which I managed to survive! Then just watched more of the cricket and did a bit of PE revision. Then we went round the grandparents house for a roast, which was pretty good!! Then I spent a good half hour - an hour sat outside watching the stars, satellites and space station that went over, as well as listening to an owl nearby, sirens and just the weird silence of the world in the evening, which was quite relaxing, and surprisingly not that cold!
Bit annoyed the Aussies won the womens world cup final, as would have been nice for the West Indies to have won for a change, however, just backs up my point that the Aussies lost on purpose to know us out the other day. Still, a thank you to Shanel Daley and Mark Butcher forr my tweets this morning :)
I'm off to watch the Brattz movie with my sister and have a sleepover, so goodnight :)
evan. :)
Bit annoyed the Aussies won the womens world cup final, as would have been nice for the West Indies to have won for a change, however, just backs up my point that the Aussies lost on purpose to know us out the other day. Still, a thank you to Shanel Daley and Mark Butcher forr my tweets this morning :)
I'm off to watch the Brattz movie with my sister and have a sleepover, so goodnight :)
evan. :)
Saturday, 16 February 2013
16th February 2013: concert countdowns and coursework.
Evening! Sorry about the short and brief entry yesterday, I was writing it when I was supposed be at club, and knew I wouldn't be home til late because I ended up babysitting.
Anyways, today, I was planning on making some cards, doing some filming for a video, doing some coursework and it being a really productive day.
However, I didn't fall asleep til about 2 this morning, woke up at around 8, fell back to sleep a few times, played Pokemon every now and then, with a bit of Temple Run and listening to music... Then didn't get up til around 3.30 this afternoon... Today's photo is all the work I've got to file and do... Anyone would think it's now half term? I'm not feeling too great :( Still... I had some onion soup with cheese on toast for lunch and lots of rest, then going to exercise tomorrow with first cricket training in what I'm pretty sure has been 5 months, so hopefully that will help too?!
Countdown to upcoming concerts include Lauren Aquilina in 3 sleeps, and Girls Aloud in 15 days :D I would have been seeing Jessie J, 3 weeks from today, but she's doing the classic 'art can't be rushed', therefore meaning she's postponed her tour til the middle of my Kenya Trip, thanks Jessie... Seeing as I'm saving up for Kenya, I doubt there's going to be many other concerts/festivals/gigs unless I'm organising them for fundraising purposes.
Mum's found Perry v Pink v Jessie J on TV, so that's on in the background, reading the news recently it's all been about horse meat (STILL), The Pope, Oscar Pistorius and phemonemal space things, including the Space Station orbiting us and the Meteorite crash in Russia? Going to the story of Oscar Pistorius, I find it hard to comment on as it's hard who and what to believe. However, I feel it's unfair the media break role models in such a harsh way, even if it is a seriously bad thing to have done. Saying that, I've always said that sports personalities, especially Olympians and Paralympians, need to stay grounded, otherwise things like this seem to happen, it's gets to their head.
Right! I'm off to go and make some thank you cards.
evan. :)
Anyways, today, I was planning on making some cards, doing some filming for a video, doing some coursework and it being a really productive day.
However, I didn't fall asleep til about 2 this morning, woke up at around 8, fell back to sleep a few times, played Pokemon every now and then, with a bit of Temple Run and listening to music... Then didn't get up til around 3.30 this afternoon... Today's photo is all the work I've got to file and do... Anyone would think it's now half term? I'm not feeling too great :( Still... I had some onion soup with cheese on toast for lunch and lots of rest, then going to exercise tomorrow with first cricket training in what I'm pretty sure has been 5 months, so hopefully that will help too?!
Countdown to upcoming concerts include Lauren Aquilina in 3 sleeps, and Girls Aloud in 15 days :D I would have been seeing Jessie J, 3 weeks from today, but she's doing the classic 'art can't be rushed', therefore meaning she's postponed her tour til the middle of my Kenya Trip, thanks Jessie... Seeing as I'm saving up for Kenya, I doubt there's going to be many other concerts/festivals/gigs unless I'm organising them for fundraising purposes.
Mum's found Perry v Pink v Jessie J on TV, so that's on in the background, reading the news recently it's all been about horse meat (STILL), The Pope, Oscar Pistorius and phemonemal space things, including the Space Station orbiting us and the Meteorite crash in Russia? Going to the story of Oscar Pistorius, I find it hard to comment on as it's hard who and what to believe. However, I feel it's unfair the media break role models in such a harsh way, even if it is a seriously bad thing to have done. Saying that, I've always said that sports personalities, especially Olympians and Paralympians, need to stay grounded, otherwise things like this seem to happen, it's gets to their head.
Right! I'm off to go and make some thank you cards.
evan. :)
Friday, 15 February 2013
15th February 2013: Pokemon, Milkshakes and Uno.
Todays photo shows most of what I've spent my day doing... Reading Danny the Champion of the World for the millionth time, because it's amazing, also little fact for you, I got it 10 years ago this year :) I bought Pokemon Pearl, played that for a good 2 hours, if not more... Geeky I know... Then drinking caramel latte milkshake cos it's insanely good and playing Doctor Who Uno with my sister, who's not feeling very well, so a film day tomorrow :)
Had PE, which we did a test on the Olympics and Public Schools.... Then I had English, then I came home, then I went in at lunch to do football, seeing as I'm being assessed in it, and managed to kick the boys out of the New Gym! A success in our school! Then I had quick 1 to 1 for English Language, and came home again, had chicken and mushroom pie and chips from chip shop for dinner, and now I'm off out to Friday Club, Evan's green team are awaiting me so, I've got to go!!
evan. :)
Had PE, which we did a test on the Olympics and Public Schools.... Then I had English, then I came home, then I went in at lunch to do football, seeing as I'm being assessed in it, and managed to kick the boys out of the New Gym! A success in our school! Then I had quick 1 to 1 for English Language, and came home again, had chicken and mushroom pie and chips from chip shop for dinner, and now I'm off out to Friday Club, Evan's green team are awaiting me so, I've got to go!!
evan. :)
Thursday, 14 February 2013
14th February 2013: just a normal thursday?
So today, I had a lie in!! One of the best things ever!! Even if it was only half hour, it was much needed. I went in to sit in the Year 7 class I help with as part of my community enrichment, which is always a laugh, but can be very tiring, especially if certain people are in that class, which today they were. They're the classic, don't wanna learn type, which I don't mind to be honest, I know it annoys a lot of people, but the specific kid I sit and work with, just needs the concentration. Anyways, then onto PE, which wasn't the best of lessons, we were looking at the effects of warming up and cooling down on the cardiovascular system and the body, then went onto do a practice EPIP for me, which was horrible, and if I turn up to the actual thing the way I did, I'll easily fail. I got confused and it's hard to analyse guys that have got near perfect batting stances, and bowl constantly on the off side... Next time lads, make it easier? Then onto English Lit, we had cover today, cos our normal teacher's wife gave birth to their new born son this morning. Funny enough we analysed the poem Valentine by Owen Sheers, as it's in the collection we're reading for our exam.Surprisingly, I found it a really easy one to analyse and write an analytical thing on. So all was good there :) Then, I came home, cooked lunch/dinner for me and my sister, whilst my Mum and Step Dad went out for a Valentine's lunch, me and my sister then fell asleep, I've spent most of my afternoon in bed, doing PE work, really cannot wait to finish for half term tomorrow, so tired!!
Still, I'm now sat listening to my Ed Sheeran, James Morrison, Script and Frank Hamilton playlist, reading the BBC article about Oscar Pistorius, which I might cover tomorrow, in a sports special blog... I'll be annotating two articles for my Writing to Entertain English coursework in a minute, then after about an hour of that, I'll sit down to watch the last half of War Horse, which is an insane film!!! If you get a chance to watch it, do it!
Happy Valentine's Everyone, hope you've enjoyed it, whether you spent it with the ones you love or a tub of Ben and Jerry's... <3
evan. :)
Still, I'm now sat listening to my Ed Sheeran, James Morrison, Script and Frank Hamilton playlist, reading the BBC article about Oscar Pistorius, which I might cover tomorrow, in a sports special blog... I'll be annotating two articles for my Writing to Entertain English coursework in a minute, then after about an hour of that, I'll sit down to watch the last half of War Horse, which is an insane film!!! If you get a chance to watch it, do it!
Happy Valentine's Everyone, hope you've enjoyed it, whether you spent it with the ones you love or a tub of Ben and Jerry's... <3
evan. :)
Wednesday, 13 February 2013
13th February 2013: unlucky for some.
So the 13th has the attachment of 'unlucky for some'. For me, it was quite a lucky day, I didn't have to present my annotations of the Owen Sheers poem, so that was a plus to start the day with, then I had another English lesson, where I got called racist for describing an accent as 'talking funny' even though I say things differently to other people like seen and been, and admit that to some it might sound funny. I have friends up north who laugh at my accent, seeing the accent as funny? Anyways! I then went home and watched some of the cricket and typed up a nearly completed draft for my third chunk of coursework, meaning I'm very nearly finished. Back to the cricket, I found it typical that the Aussies lost, I could almost say they did it on purpose to knock us out the World Cup, but then that would be unsportsman like of me... So, a win against New Zealand as the next result, coming 3rd will have to do...
Then back to sixth form for my final English lesson of the day, which went surprisingly quickly and the highlight had to be my friend turning round in a tired state and asking me and my other friend 'what's that fly thing that sticks its tongue out to catch things?' which we replied to with lots of laughter.
Then back home to finish off some PE work for tomorrow and Friday, yay! Majorly happy because I discovered my old gameboy advance in my sisters room, with two games, Crash & Spyro Superpack, which was my favourite game, as well as Pokemon, which I lost :( and the other game was King Kong, which I never got into. As well as mourning the loss of my Pokemon game, 10 years late, I'm on a mission to find my Pirates of the Carribean game and Pacman. I'll be taking a trip to Game somewhen soon to try and find a good Pokemon game either for my DS or if there are any game boy versions around, one of those :)
Have quite a few frees coming up in the next two days, and of course half term next week so I'll get back onto longer, topical blogs as well as better, edited photos and stuff :)
But here's one I edited earlier, that I found on my memory stick from last year on a nature walk, that was supposed to be a maximum of 2k but turned into 8, if not more.... If you don't like spiders, look away now :)
Thank you!!
evan. :)
Then back to sixth form for my final English lesson of the day, which went surprisingly quickly and the highlight had to be my friend turning round in a tired state and asking me and my other friend 'what's that fly thing that sticks its tongue out to catch things?' which we replied to with lots of laughter.
Then back home to finish off some PE work for tomorrow and Friday, yay! Majorly happy because I discovered my old gameboy advance in my sisters room, with two games, Crash & Spyro Superpack, which was my favourite game, as well as Pokemon, which I lost :( and the other game was King Kong, which I never got into. As well as mourning the loss of my Pokemon game, 10 years late, I'm on a mission to find my Pirates of the Carribean game and Pacman. I'll be taking a trip to Game somewhen soon to try and find a good Pokemon game either for my DS or if there are any game boy versions around, one of those :)
Have quite a few frees coming up in the next two days, and of course half term next week so I'll get back onto longer, topical blogs as well as better, edited photos and stuff :)
But here's one I edited earlier, that I found on my memory stick from last year on a nature walk, that was supposed to be a maximum of 2k but turned into 8, if not more.... If you don't like spiders, look away now :)
Thank you!!
evan. :)
Tuesday, 12 February 2013
12th February 2013: poetry, pancakes and photos.
Todays photo was surely inevitable, my pancakes that I had for pudding...
Fillings included: Ice cream and toffee sauce, lemon and sugar, ice cream and chocolate sauce, all were very tasty! What are you favourite fillings?
Had two english lessons today, PE Theory and Psychology. All were better lessons than yesterdays. Finalised photos for cards to sell. So will be starting to make those soon.. I've just been annotating the poem I'm supposed to be talking about to my class tomorrow... It's a really lovely poem, I can't say the word nice because I'm an English A-Level student, apparently... It's by Owen Sheers and it's called 'The Hill Fort' it's quite sad, but I think it's really well written. Handed in two courseworks now, so just two more to go!! I've nearly finished one of those remaining two, so I'll be a lot calmer soon, for a few weeks then I'll be in another panic over exams. Joy.
Any way I'm off to get some sleep, I've got a few frees tomorrow, so I'll be spending some of that on work and then prepping a new video :)
evan. :)
Fillings included: Ice cream and toffee sauce, lemon and sugar, ice cream and chocolate sauce, all were very tasty! What are you favourite fillings?
Had two english lessons today, PE Theory and Psychology. All were better lessons than yesterdays. Finalised photos for cards to sell. So will be starting to make those soon.. I've just been annotating the poem I'm supposed to be talking about to my class tomorrow... It's a really lovely poem, I can't say the word nice because I'm an English A-Level student, apparently... It's by Owen Sheers and it's called 'The Hill Fort' it's quite sad, but I think it's really well written. Handed in two courseworks now, so just two more to go!! I've nearly finished one of those remaining two, so I'll be a lot calmer soon, for a few weeks then I'll be in another panic over exams. Joy.
Any way I'm off to get some sleep, I've got a few frees tomorrow, so I'll be spending some of that on work and then prepping a new video :)
evan. :)
Monday, 11 February 2013
11th February 2013: sleep, rowing and free t-shirts.
Haven't long got in and I'm posting this at around 8pm. Tiring day, had PE Theory first, then a free which I just spent sat listening to music. Then I had double psychology, which was great :/ Then went to a Rowing event for Surrey School Games, we met an Olympic rower, who was quite nice, got a free t-shirt, then I got home later than I thought I would, so I'm posting this then I'll be doing some coursework.
I'm listening to Labrinth's Atomic EP, it's not too bad so far, but it's different to his singles, still worth a listen and if you check out his Facebook there's a free download link for a limited amount of time... There's tracks with Etta Bond, Wretch 32, Plan B, Ed Sheeran, Devlin, Lady Leshurr and others :)
That's it for now folks!
evan. :)
I'm listening to Labrinth's Atomic EP, it's not too bad so far, but it's different to his singles, still worth a listen and if you check out his Facebook there's a free download link for a limited amount of time... There's tracks with Etta Bond, Wretch 32, Plan B, Ed Sheeran, Devlin, Lady Leshurr and others :)
That's it for now folks!
evan. :)
Sunday, 10 February 2013
10th February 2013: bed, music, temple run and cricket.
Today's photo was taken 2 minutes before I typed this up. I've spent most of my day in bed, I went out for another fried breakfast today with my dad and had a very nice hot chocolate. Then I came home, wrote a bit of music with my little sister, had a lot of sleep, then woke up, played temple run, listened to music, then got told I was needed for a indoor cricket tournament as we were short of players, so I turned out to play, and feeling like I really shouldnt have :( We lost against Redoubts which was inevitable, and we tied with Shep, I got a run out as I was keeping on the last ball to keep it to a draw and not a win, just saying ;)
Seeing as I'm tired another short blog, I'm really sorry, I hope to feel better soon obviously, but with two compulsory sports leaders events after schoool in the next two days, I can't see that happening quickly, lots of sleep in my frees and lunch breaks, me thinks!
Good night!
evan. :)
Seeing as I'm tired another short blog, I'm really sorry, I hope to feel better soon obviously, but with two compulsory sports leaders events after schoool in the next two days, I can't see that happening quickly, lots of sleep in my frees and lunch breaks, me thinks!
Good night!
evan. :)
Saturday, 9 February 2013
9th February 2013: hash browns, bed and videos.
Today's photo represents the amount of time I've spent in bed the past 24 hours... No, I don't always make my bed, because what's the point if you're going to get back in it... Yes, that's my pyjama bottoms and yes there is a weird duck teddy thing, that's my most important possesion, I still can't get to sleep without him, despite being 16... But don't tell anyone, that's a secret :P
Today, I woke up at around 8am... I got up at around 10am... Went out for a cooked breakfast at about 11am... I went to pick up some glue rollers for cards, and whilst I was at it, picked up one of my favourite books, Stig of the Dump. I enjoyed my cooked breakfast, fried egg, hash brown, toast, beans, bacon and sausages (which probably contained horse meat). I came home, laid on my bed for a bit listening to music, then went on the computer to make my fundraising evening video from two weeks ago... Which I did!!
Now I'm sat listening to my old Westlife CD that I found :D
I'm tired and feeling like I'm coming down with something, probably a cold, or sinuses playing up, yet again! Wrote a bit more of my English article :) Talking of articles, I'm fed up of seeing the subject of horse meat all over the papers, I'm sorry, but everyday it seems there has been tests on different stores, companies etc.I can understand a massive outrage because of false advertising as it's been missold in many cases as beef, for example Findus Lasganas... Also, my Mum came up with a good point of where are horse farms for meat? I don't think I've heard of a horse farm in England that has horses to sell meat, so where's it coming from? However, those people that are outraged at eating horse, are being a bit silly... The French see it as a delicasy, yeah, I know they eat frogs legs and snails, they don't sound nice but frogs legs are pretty nice, I can't say the same about snails though... But it's meat, it's edible... Shush.
Anyways, a treat for you today! A video alongside a photo and slightly longer blog entry than in recent weeks... Enjoy!
evan. :)
Friday, 8 February 2013
8th February 2013: Bleurgh.
Short post today. I can't type. I'm tired and I want to go to bed. This week has been long, weird and horrible. Poor game from England ladies this morning, let it slip. Only had two proper lessons today, Psychology and PE.
Both weren't too bad, then had House Basketball at lunch, we lost. Then had football practise, I ache. Came home, went to Friday club.
That's it for today, sorry I'm only just keeping my eyes open.
Both weren't too bad, then had House Basketball at lunch, we lost. Then had football practise, I ache. Came home, went to Friday club.
That's it for today, sorry I'm only just keeping my eyes open.
Thursday, 7 February 2013
7th February 2013: shotput - it's not for girls.
Today was great. I only had two scheduled lessons, so I went in for the first of those, turned up to the lesson to be told, we're doing shotput, 'so Evan, you can go in the New Gym and sit there by yourself and do some work' my teachers genuine words. So I came in about 4 hours earlier than I could have. So back home I went, and listened to Ellie Goulding, looked up doctor who photos and quotes and did yet more English coursework for 3 hours. Then back in to school for a careers assembly, which me and two friends found hilarious ', false advertising that, tomatoes can't run...' Then an English Lang lesson discussing the song that goes 'Things can only get better, can only get better, now I've found you...' I suggested it was about nutella.
Today's photo is of my sister's dolls house and the 'study room' seeing as I've spent most of my day on a computer, bad for my eyes, I know, but oh well!!
Pretty chilled evening, listening to more music, editing some photos and deciding on final photos to use for some cards, I'm going to be selling to raise money for Kenya.
I'm off to chill with family that are round :)
evan. :)
Today's photo is of my sister's dolls house and the 'study room' seeing as I've spent most of my day on a computer, bad for my eyes, I know, but oh well!!
Pretty chilled evening, listening to more music, editing some photos and deciding on final photos to use for some cards, I'm going to be selling to raise money for Kenya.
I'm off to chill with family that are round :)
evan. :)
A Levels,
a photo a day,
one day at a time
Wednesday, 6 February 2013
6th February 2013: cold pizza, football and pyjamas.
Today's photo is the sunset through some bare trees. I had cold pizza for breakfast and lunch cos I went in late today, seeing as I had two frees to start the day. Then I had psychology, which was fun, although the person sitting next to me decided to start peeling an orange... orange juice, peel and the smell, everywhere :S Cheers Charly!! :P
Then I had EPQ which was a great 20 minutes of my life, enthralling in fact, the teacher had no idea what my name was, and the only thing she could remember about me was that 'we didn't see eye to eye in Year 10', yeah you're still not helping yourself...
Anyways lunch I spent sat in the common room, dipping in and out of conversations, and watching Thru My Eyes videos, which are insane, they're slow-mo videos and HD quality photography videos and stuff by Sawyer Hartman, and they're basically what inspired me to try and start making my own videos, unfortunately they probably won't be half as good, but I can try :P
Then, my last lesson was PE, an asthmatic person running round in the cold, one girl against like 7 guys at one point, I was not amused, all for a PE assesment, that I don't wanna be completely assessed in?! ANYWAYS! Yeah it was great fun :/
Then home, had a bath cos my legs were aching :( then I fell asleep for an hour, did some coursework and started writing this, and it's taken me awhile, seeing as computer froze and decided to hide most of the stuff I'd written out, hence the change in font today... Listening to my 'onedayatatime' playlist tonight, so a mixture of Josh Record, Ben Howard, Bastille, Kodaline and plenty more... The football's not going badly for England tonight...
I'm off to do some PE questions, then I'll be off to bed.
evan. :)
Then I had EPQ which was a great 20 minutes of my life, enthralling in fact, the teacher had no idea what my name was, and the only thing she could remember about me was that 'we didn't see eye to eye in Year 10', yeah you're still not helping yourself...
Anyways lunch I spent sat in the common room, dipping in and out of conversations, and watching Thru My Eyes videos, which are insane, they're slow-mo videos and HD quality photography videos and stuff by Sawyer Hartman, and they're basically what inspired me to try and start making my own videos, unfortunately they probably won't be half as good, but I can try :P
Then, my last lesson was PE, an asthmatic person running round in the cold, one girl against like 7 guys at one point, I was not amused, all for a PE assesment, that I don't wanna be completely assessed in?! ANYWAYS! Yeah it was great fun :/
Then home, had a bath cos my legs were aching :( then I fell asleep for an hour, did some coursework and started writing this, and it's taken me awhile, seeing as computer froze and decided to hide most of the stuff I'd written out, hence the change in font today... Listening to my 'onedayatatime' playlist tonight, so a mixture of Josh Record, Ben Howard, Bastille, Kodaline and plenty more... The football's not going badly for England tonight...
I'm off to do some PE questions, then I'll be off to bed.
evan. :)
A Levels,
a photo a day,
ben howard,
Josh Record,
one day at a time,
Tuesday, 5 February 2013
5th February 2013: pizza, chocolate milkshakes and music.
Say hi to Fred the blue tit.
Had a really long day today, 4 English lessons, gave my teacher my coursework and he said it needed work.. Hah, back to square one... Played basketball in our House competition at lunch, and we won cos we're the mighty Tudor!! Through to finals or something on Friday...
Then came home to look after my sister for the evening, whilst my step-dad has his shoulder op, and Mum's up there waiting, so we had pizza and crisps for dinner, accompanied by chocolate milkshakes whilst watching that animated Pirate film with David Tennant's voice in, I wonder why :P
Trying to put together my fundraising video this week, then I'll do my stills, whilst making cards to sell...
Anyways, I'm off to make sure my sister's in bed with a bedtime story ;)
By the way... MASSIVE SHOUTOUT to Josh Record again, who's now got an EP out on iTunes, and it's amazing, again like Lauren's only £1.79 and definitely worth it!!
Link below :)
evan. :)
Josh's Bones EP:
Had a really long day today, 4 English lessons, gave my teacher my coursework and he said it needed work.. Hah, back to square one... Played basketball in our House competition at lunch, and we won cos we're the mighty Tudor!! Through to finals or something on Friday...
Then came home to look after my sister for the evening, whilst my step-dad has his shoulder op, and Mum's up there waiting, so we had pizza and crisps for dinner, accompanied by chocolate milkshakes whilst watching that animated Pirate film with David Tennant's voice in, I wonder why :P
Trying to put together my fundraising video this week, then I'll do my stills, whilst making cards to sell...
Anyways, I'm off to make sure my sister's in bed with a bedtime story ;)
By the way... MASSIVE SHOUTOUT to Josh Record again, who's now got an EP out on iTunes, and it's amazing, again like Lauren's only £1.79 and definitely worth it!!
Link below :)
evan. :)
Josh's Bones EP:
Monday, 4 February 2013
4th February 2013: i just had to re-type the date 9 times.
That is genuinely no exaggeration in the title... If there are any spelling/grammar mistakes in this entry, I apologise in advance. Right now, I'm surprised my brain is managing to make my heart carry on beating and my lungs keep on breathing, ok so that is a slight exaggeration, but seriously, English coursework has officially made my brain hurt and now I'm claiming I have writer's block ;) Is that right?! Oh I dunno!
All of the items in this photo today relate to English coursework, even my PE textbook...
Anyways, I've had enough of English today, I had a psychology mock today, and it was going ok(ish) until the last question... An hour had passed, I read the question and thought 'ohh great!' ;) So then when I started to write it, then my finger decided it would lock and screw up a bit, causing a really annoying sensation when I wrote, then all concentration, which I lack at the best of times, was lost due to crow's that decided to have a fight right outside the window I was sat facing, I then only wrote about 3 possible marks out of 12... so that'll be that mock failed.
Today, whilst I was writing this I've had Adagio for Strings ft. Maiday by Bastille on and Of Their Night cover by them too. (Links below)
Ok I want to go and drink a hot chocolate, eat biscuits and cry at the awfulness of my English coursework... Roll on tomorrow! (hope you liked the colour for a change)
evan. :/
Bastille Links:
All of the items in this photo today relate to English coursework, even my PE textbook...
Anyways, I've had enough of English today, I had a psychology mock today, and it was going ok(ish) until the last question... An hour had passed, I read the question and thought 'ohh great!' ;) So then when I started to write it, then my finger decided it would lock and screw up a bit, causing a really annoying sensation when I wrote, then all concentration, which I lack at the best of times, was lost due to crow's that decided to have a fight right outside the window I was sat facing, I then only wrote about 3 possible marks out of 12... so that'll be that mock failed.
Today, whilst I was writing this I've had Adagio for Strings ft. Maiday by Bastille on and Of Their Night cover by them too. (Links below)
Ok I want to go and drink a hot chocolate, eat biscuits and cry at the awfulness of my English coursework... Roll on tomorrow! (hope you liked the colour for a change)
evan. :/
Bastille Links:
A Levels,
a photo a day,
one day at a time
Sunday, 3 February 2013
3rd February 2013: life is like a box of chocolates.
If life is like a box of chocolates. Coursework for me is the coconut one... I hate it!
However, I've got 1 full essay DONE! Now I've only got to finish a style model, finish the editorial and write commentary, which shouldn't take long... So should all be finished by deadline :) YAY!
Today was rather succesful because as well as the coursework I've got done, I also went out for dinner and had a roast and waffle with warm toffee sauce and ice cream, literally the caramel chocolate in the box. Then went round my friends house, we managed to record 3 audio tracks :D It took us about 2 hours however because we kept getting the giggles... Who knew you could find a Harry Potter poster so funny!! Ahah!
Also, managed to watch the England women team beat India, it was a pretty good match, with Edwards, Colvin and Brunt playing amazingly! A massive congratulations to Edwards, who has now become the leading run-scorer in ODI womens cricket.
That's about it for today, I'm off to do a bit more English, then go to bed ready for a psychology mock tomorrow... (it's another coconut chocolate) wish me luck!
evan. :) :S
However, I've got 1 full essay DONE! Now I've only got to finish a style model, finish the editorial and write commentary, which shouldn't take long... So should all be finished by deadline :) YAY!
Today was rather succesful because as well as the coursework I've got done, I also went out for dinner and had a roast and waffle with warm toffee sauce and ice cream, literally the caramel chocolate in the box. Then went round my friends house, we managed to record 3 audio tracks :D It took us about 2 hours however because we kept getting the giggles... Who knew you could find a Harry Potter poster so funny!! Ahah!
Also, managed to watch the England women team beat India, it was a pretty good match, with Edwards, Colvin and Brunt playing amazingly! A massive congratulations to Edwards, who has now become the leading run-scorer in ODI womens cricket.
That's about it for today, I'm off to do a bit more English, then go to bed ready for a psychology mock tomorrow... (it's another coconut chocolate) wish me luck!
evan. :) :S
Saturday, 2 February 2013
2nd February 2013: exterminate regenerate.
I've been told not to tell you where I found this spiders web by Mum, so you can guess :P Sorry Mum!
The reason for the name of today's blog entry is mainly because I've had the song stuck in my head all day. Embarrasing whovian moment. On a more acceptable whovian note, I got a parcel in the post today, and inside was the doctor who t-shirt I ordered. Yay! :D
Not really done much today, it took me a bit longer than it should have done to get out of bed, purely for the reason I started the day being really lazy, however when I did get up, I basically ate and did coursework for about 4 hours straight, with a lot more to do tomorrow. But at least, I've got a bit more done today :)
Seeing as I usually tell you what I'm listening to whilst I write my blog entry, today I'm listening to Mcknasty's cover of I Will Wait & Don't You Worry Child mashup, it's pretty good, and I literally just found it... However, I'm enjoying the drumming more than his singing :/
Anyways, I had chicken and mushroom pie for dinner with chip shop cips, which was pretty tasty!! Other than that haven't really done much today. Probably won't do anything that interesting tomorrow. Although in between our work, me and my friend are meeting up to record audio for a certain video coming... Trying to sort out 2 pieces, one for a still video and another for a new video video if that makes any sense? So hopefully I can come up with something too :)
Anyways I'm off to finish a set of exam questions and then will carry on with gathering the final stills for video :)
Enjoy your evening! Happy Birthday and enjoy your cake! :)
evan. :P
The reason for the name of today's blog entry is mainly because I've had the song stuck in my head all day. Embarrasing whovian moment. On a more acceptable whovian note, I got a parcel in the post today, and inside was the doctor who t-shirt I ordered. Yay! :D
Not really done much today, it took me a bit longer than it should have done to get out of bed, purely for the reason I started the day being really lazy, however when I did get up, I basically ate and did coursework for about 4 hours straight, with a lot more to do tomorrow. But at least, I've got a bit more done today :)
Seeing as I usually tell you what I'm listening to whilst I write my blog entry, today I'm listening to Mcknasty's cover of I Will Wait & Don't You Worry Child mashup, it's pretty good, and I literally just found it... However, I'm enjoying the drumming more than his singing :/
Anyways, I had chicken and mushroom pie for dinner with chip shop cips, which was pretty tasty!! Other than that haven't really done much today. Probably won't do anything that interesting tomorrow. Although in between our work, me and my friend are meeting up to record audio for a certain video coming... Trying to sort out 2 pieces, one for a still video and another for a new video video if that makes any sense? So hopefully I can come up with something too :)
Anyways I'm off to finish a set of exam questions and then will carry on with gathering the final stills for video :)
Enjoy your evening! Happy Birthday and enjoy your cake! :)
evan. :P
Friday, 1 February 2013
1st February 2013: smile it's friday.
So it's Friday! I'm incredibly tired and currently sistersitting... Pretty chill day, only having 1 and a half lessons, so managed to watch the Womens World Cup (cricket) and unfortunately, Sri Lanka hit big on the last few overs, and it cost England a game, but Sunday, I reckon we'll be able to give India a run for their money and push them and therefore we could gain a win to then progress to the finals.
Had to say goodbye to two people today, which was a bit sad, especially seeing as one of them, I'd become pretty good friends with, as we were the only girls in our PE class, so now I'm on my own, with 5 guys...But I wish them both all the best, whatever they end up doing, I'm hoping they enjoyed the experience of English life and don't miss us and the weather too much!! :P Lebewohl Alisa and Addio Frederica!
Club was pretty empty tonight so only had 7 kids in the first one and 18 in the second because of a Stargazing event close by, so we decorated biscuits, which made my photo of the day.
One quick shoutout to Soph (made sure I got that right!) she's started an art obsessed blog, and it's pretty impressive so far... So definitely check it out... She's got a page to like on facebook which is: and her actual blog site is: go check it out!!
Also whilst I'm at it, my facebook page is: please share this blog if you are enjoying it, late next week I'll have got most of my English coursework out the way, so will have more time to actually go into topics more and take photos on a camera, rather than my phone :)
Video is on its way, me and my friend are just trying to sort out audio for it... :)
Anyways, I'm afraid I'm falling asleep writing this, should probably start writing them sooner in the evenings :/
evan. :)
A Levels,
a photo a day,
one day at a time,
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