I've been told not to tell you where I found this spiders web by Mum, so you can guess :P Sorry Mum!
The reason for the name of today's blog entry is mainly because I've had the song stuck in my head all day. Embarrasing whovian moment. On a more acceptable whovian note, I got a parcel in the post today, and inside was the doctor who t-shirt I ordered. Yay! :D
Not really done much today, it took me a bit longer than it should have done to get out of bed, purely for the reason I started the day being really lazy, however when I did get up, I basically ate and did coursework for about 4 hours straight, with a lot more to do tomorrow. But at least, I've got a bit more done today :)
Seeing as I usually tell you what I'm listening to whilst I write my blog entry, today I'm listening to Mcknasty's cover of I Will Wait & Don't You Worry Child mashup, it's pretty good, and I literally just found it... However, I'm enjoying the drumming more than his singing :/
Anyways, I had chicken and mushroom pie for dinner with chip shop cips, which was pretty tasty!! Other than that haven't really done much today. Probably won't do anything that interesting tomorrow. Although in between our work, me and my friend are meeting up to record audio for a certain video coming... Trying to sort out 2 pieces, one for a still video and another for a new video video if that makes any sense? So hopefully I can come up with something too :)
Anyways I'm off to finish a set of exam questions and then will carry on with gathering the final stills for video :)
Enjoy your evening! Happy Birthday and enjoy your cake! :)
evan. :P
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