Monday, I didn't really do much, had a cover lesson which wasn't too intense, went into town to get Jessie J's new album (Alive) which is pretty good! English Language talking about phonetics and other boring things!
A scary thought hit me on Tuesday, it was a month til I go on that major trip! At the moment, it's a little touch and go, but we're still looking at it as positively as we can.Double Media to start the day, both hours were pretty good. Then, a free spent in the common room wanting to fall asleep, after that I had English Lit, looking at sonnets - which is always fun on a Tuesday afternoon! I had an early finish so went home and had lunch.
Wednesday! In for an hour of English Language writing and discussing examples of key terms with a few clips of blackadder thrown in! Back home to do some homework and printing of photos for my wall. Then off for a driving lesson, as I pull off, using the brake as the accelerator? I think that sums it up! Haha! To be honest, it wasn't that bad, but it wasn't the best I'd had! Still, I spent my afternoon playing football manager and doing a little bit of work. Then it was off to club to play the bean game and make bread rolls with extremely hyper kids!
A bit of a weird day on Thursday... I woke up feeling ill, then put it down to the fact I don't drink enough water, and had become dehydrated. Anyway, I went into school for an hour of sitting reading a two sonnets over and over again, trying to make sense of them and supposedly writing an exam answer for them - yeah that wasn't the best lesson I've ever had. After that I started feeling a bit better after having many cups of water, and knowing I wouldn't have to do another exam question for at least two more lessons. Onto English Language, two hours of that, looking at curry recipes through the ages and more language acquisition! Luckily, the day finished early because we had an open evening, so home I went, did some planning, did some work and did some other bits and bobs. When I got into bed to watch a bit more of Great British Bake Off, I caught a glimpse of the night sky - I found it majorly surreal how that split second took me back a year, to a whole day that sort of flashed through in my mind. It was a pretty stunning sky of stars and one that I'll had to my many night skies that I've seen! (Bit too deep for a Sunday blog? - sorry!)
Friday, I woke up realising I didn't have to go in (INSET day!) Still, I decided to have a productive day! Got quite a bit done, showered, did some work, put some clothes out on the washing line to dry (despite the weather forecast!), emptied the dishwasher AND filled it up again! Sorted those photos out for my wall, made lunch for me and Gran. Decided to go pack my bag for my Dad's, hoover the upstairs, sort out some music for Mum's car, go see my sister's musical coffee afternoon in aid of Macmillan. Came home, typed up as much of the blog as I could, had dinner, went to club... Went to Dad's and had a fairly early night!
Woke up Saturday after a good nights sleep! Had my cereal, did some homework, sorted blog stuff out, in the afternoon and evening went to see some people and ended up spending the evening singing Christmas and cheesy 90s and 00s songs!
Sunday, woke up pretty late, went to Waitrose for lunch, went for a walk through some woods, saw a snake (couldn't stop shuddering for about 5 minutes after!) found a lake, and took some photos! Came home caught up on Saturday night TV and then went home to Mum's.
I think I'm gonna attempt to change the format of these blogs, I don't know whether you enjoy reading it in this format? I don't know whether to carry on like this and add more content, put in less about my week (especially when I've just got lessons and other boring stuff) and more about other general topics that could maybe seen as more opinionated?! Still, I'm starting to plan what's going to happen when I'm away for 12 days in October (which isn't long away at all!) aaaand I'm also starting to organise and plan a project for next year, that will be a little different to this (when I say a little I mean probably a lot different!) So keep your eyes peeled for more about those in the following weeks!
Music of the Week
First up, a song from the amazing Hudson Taylor brothers! The lyrics get me at times, but it's a pretty good song for the car/ good sing-a-long song!
Care - Hudson Taylor:
Next is a song from a guy called Harry Seaton, I love the song and I love the video! :)
Summer Nights - Harry Seaton:
Last is a cover by a Orla, who I'm not sure whether I'm seeing next Sunday or not?! But, she uploaded it as I was typing up the last parts of this blog, so felt it would be a good way to finish off the Music of the Week too! (Plus it's a song I really like anyway!)
The Wire (cover) - Orla Gartland:
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23rd September 2013: lessons, music and work. |
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24th September 2013: 1 month countdown... |
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25th September 2013: blackadder, driving and bread rolls. |
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26th September 2013: an average Thursday. |
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27th September 2013: getting stuff done! |
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28th chilling and xmas songs. |
29th September 2013: wildlife, walks and watching tv. |
and a little quote for those that are still reading: 'worrying is like a rocking chair, it gives you something to do, but doesn't get you anywhere.' - Anonymous.
Better to use the brake as the accelerator than the other way round. Mate's mum insisted on using her car for lessons not the instructor's with dual controls. She hit the accelerator and went across the junction and into a brick wall. She was ok, the car was not!
ReplyDeletejust seen this! very true! and that really doesn't sound good! glad she was ok though! ahah!