Friday, 28 November 2014


Autumn is my favourite part of the year, minus the rain. It's also my favourite time of the year to go on photo missions. Although, I've missed a few really stunning sunsets, I thought I'd share a few of my favourite moments/photos from the past month or so... (there's also a little surprise at the bottom).

That is easily my favourite autumn photo I've taken this year and it shows my favourite thing about autumn. The beautiful colours on the leaves. 

31st October: a photo mission with Petar.
You should go follow him on instagram and subscribe on YouTube. He puts a lot of time and effort into his photos and videos, and they always come out really well. 
Instagram: (@peca_chu)

5th November: bonfire night.
5th November: bonfire night. 
Even though I can't stand the sound of fireworks, I always try and see some each year, this year I went and enjoyed the whole experience, so that was a plus, oh and I couldn't decide between these two photos. 

12th November: a hot drink for a cold night.
Nothing beats a hot drink on a cold night. This one has a surreal link to it, as it was the one I drank in London, whilst waiting for the go ahead to interview a band... So that's a highlight of my autumn.

18th November: blue skies and golden leaves.
I really love the clear blue skies in Autumn, because it usually means there's a crisp and cold air to the outside world, wrapping up warm with thick socks and layers is then the way to go. 

20th November: christmas lights, light up the street.
After an evening bouncing on trampolines, my sister, friend and I ventured into town to see the lights after they'd been switched on, we also watched the fireworks display (because every event in autumn and winter seems to have fireworks). This little side street looked rather 'cute'. 

I've also made a video putting words/videos/photos together about autumn....

one: autumn (link)

thank you for reading, hope you enjoyed the slightly different style of blog today, what are your favourite things about autumn?
- evan. 

Tuesday, 11 November 2014

an absence of control.

I had a bit of an 'all over the place' summer. I had no real clue of what I'd be doing when September came back round, whether I'd be retaking a year, finishing a subject, or not even returning to sixth form and going straight out into the big wide world.
I took on more hours at work, enjoyed blogging over on Music In Time, went away with family and friends for a couple of weeks and filled my time with fun things to take my mind off of results day and September.

When September DID come around, I went on the first day for 5 hours of waiting and meetings and timetabling etc. - it wasn't fun - but I worked out what I'd be doing and I was happy. However, I had no real structure to what I was doing, my timetable was all over the place for sixth form, I had to rearrange blog work days, make time for family and friends and keep doing a weekend of work, as well as fitting in coursework, homework and the other random work that comes with A Levels. I ended up with no 'downtime' and went a few weeks without a day off and any spare time I had I was filling with work I needed to get done.

I didn't enjoy this time with an absence of control. I wasn't well, mentally or physically and I'm still not fully there - but I'm in a much better place now.
Anyway, I think what I set out to say in this blog is that I feel I can blog over on this little corner of the internet again.
I've got back on top of my A Level work, I've cut my hours of work at the weekend, I've taken on some online stuff for a band, I'm blogging on Music In Time again and I feel in control again. Expect tags, rants, creative stuffs (probably from my Creative Writing course - which is great fun!) and a little bit of lifestyle bits and bobs.

So yeah, hi again and I still need to work out what the upload day is going to be for One Day At A Time, but please expect weekly blogs again. I'm feeling a little more determined this time!