Seeing as Doctor Who returned to our TVs on Saturday I decided to do the tag, I wasn't tagged by anyone and I probably could have done it before now, but I'm pretty hopeless with uploading at a reasonable time...
When and why did you start watching Doctor Who, and what made you become a fan
of it?
I started watching it when it returned with Christopher Eccleston, I absolutely loved it and have been obsessed since. I’m not sure what made me become a fan but I watched it every weekend and if I missed it, I made sure I caught up, it just grew as something I loved and couldn’t miss I think?
I started watching it when it returned with Christopher Eccleston, I absolutely loved it and have been obsessed since. I’m not sure what made me become a fan but I watched it every weekend and if I missed it, I made sure I caught up, it just grew as something I loved and couldn’t miss I think?
Favourite quotes?
Soooooo many! I guess ‘We’re all stories,
in the end. Just make it a good one!’ stands out. These could have a blog post
of their own! Haha
Favourite theme songs?
This is the worst question for me to
answer, I absolutely adore the whole of the Doctor Who soundtrack and am in
awe of Murray Gold as a composer, so my top five in no particular order are; ‘Amy’s
Theme’, ‘The Pandorica Suite’, ‘The Enigma of River Song’, ‘The Majestic Tale
(of a Mad Man in a Box)’ and ‘The Impossible Girl/Clara’s Theme’.
Favourite episodes and scenes/moments?
‘End of the World’ stands out as one of my
favourite episodes, one of my favourite small characters was in that episode as
well (Jabe from the Forest).
‘Blink’ was another episode that I
absolutely loved! ‘School Reunion’ – the who’s better battle between Rose and
Sarah Jane was brilliant, and the goodbye the Doctor gives her is so much more
meaningful now. ‘The Sound of Drums’, ‘The Shakespeare Code’ and ‘The Girl in
the Fireplace’ are up there in my favourites too.
Least favourite episodes?
I haven’t been a big fan of Moffat’s
writing?! I didn’t enjoy many episodes of Matt Smith’s era as the doctor
unfortunately, but I loved Matt and Karen Gillan as the Doctor and Amy (and I
liked Rory and River) – so that just about made up for it. Yeah it probably be
one of those. I didn’t really like Fires of Pompeii either..
Favourite doctors (or do you disagree with idea of having favourite doctor and
like all of them equally?)
I didn’t even know people would like the
doctor’s equally? They all have different characteristics? Erm, William
Hartnell because he started it all off and I thought he set a good standard,
Tom Baker – not sure why I just loved him as the doctor and David Tennant – but
he stands out as my all time favourite.
Favourite companions?
Sarah Jane, in old and new episodes. Rose
Tyler, because the connection between her and Ten just made the story lines
even better. Donna Noble because she added humour to the episodes.
Least favourite companions?
I wasn’t a massive fan of a lot of the
early companions (in Classic Who) they irritated me too much, from the recent
series’ I’d have to say Martha? Her character was a bit whiny?
9. Characters
you relate to most?
That’s a tough one and I’m not sure I could
actually answer that one! Hah
Favourite villains and villains that frightened you most?
Another tough one to choose, favourite
villains? They tend to be the ones that frighten me the most – because they
live up to the Doctor Who scare factor… Weeping Angels, Clockwork Robots,
Silurians ( I think the actors did an amazing job at being lizardlike etc.)
Least favourite villains?
Not a big fan of the Dream Lord, and I
thought the Snow Men were the worst villains in the new who, the visuals were
fake and awful and the story line was poor.
Funniest moments?
Donna and Ten’s moment between the windows
seeing each other again makes me laugh everytime. Strax as a character makes me
laugh so much as well, so most of his ‘funny moments’. In the episode ‘End of
Time’ the Doctor locks the Tardis like a car and at the time, it was hilarious!
Moments that made you cry?
Ten before he regenerated… ‘I don’t want to
Saddest episode?
‘The End of Time’ because of the quote
mentioned above.
‘Doomsday’, I don’t think there is a better
Doctor-Companion combo then Rose and Ten.
Favourite friendship?
The obvious Rose & Ten (unless you want
to call them a couple) but I love the friendship between Strax, Jenny, Madame
Vastra, known as the Paternoster Gang with the Doctor. (One of the good things
about Moffat’s writing.)
Favourite couple?
Ten and Madame de Pompadour. It was only
one episode but they were one couple that should have lasted and imagine them
travelling through time and space together.
Favourite actor?
I would clearly have to say David Tennant,
but other than the Doctor, I thought Bernard Cribbins was brilliant in the
episodes he was in. John Simm has been great as The Master as well.
18. Favourite
I think there have been better actresses in
Doctor Who than actors through the years, Elisabeth Sladen, Billie Piper, Alex
Kingston, Jenna Coleman, Karen Gillan and Catherine Tate.
Favourite writer?
Russel T. Davies without a doubt. Richard
Curtis did a great job with ‘Vincent & The Doctor’ though, Helen Raynor
wrote a few solid episodes as well, following Daleks and Sontarans.
Actor you’d have liked to play 12?
Erm, either Rupert Grint or Amy Adams –
purely for the ginger aspect and I think Amy Adams would have done a good job
as a female doctor I think.
Thanks for Reading!
If you have a go - link it to me on my FB page (below) I also go the idea from here!
photo source: here