So today, we say RIP to the tree outside our house, that was in our neighbours garden, because they didn't want it there, so that's one of the photos, then I checked my blog, cos I'm cool like that, and noticed I had exactly 2,000 pageviews, which is crazy!! So thank you to everyone that reads this, even if this is your first blog entry you've read or if it's the first one you've read in a week, or if you read it everyday. It weird how it actually means something to me, cos you either come here to see my photos/videos or to read what I have to say, which isn't a lot recently, I admit. So, I think I've come to a conclusion, I'm going to have a day where I write a longer blog on a specific topic each week, and this will be on a Saturday, seeing as that's the day, I usually have the most time to do stuff... I will still be blogging every day, but obviously it won't be in as much depth as the Saturday blog... Tomorrow's going to be about The Brits, music and singer/songwriters you should look out for :)
Jumping to the last photo and time to tell what I did today, I listened to Busted, got ready to go out, then I WENT TO LASERQUEST! It was for a birthday party of a family friends, and it was pretty cool, there was a kid who was obssessed with Pokemon, who ended up talking to me about it for an hour, I'm pretty sure without breathing... In the first game I was ranked 2nd cos I'm amazing, then the second game, didn't go so well... But let's leave that shall we...
Then I came home, listened to Ben Howard, fell asleep (not because his music is boring) then woke up and watched Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1, and realised why I had only watched it twice, compared to the millions of times I'd watched the others... And because someone I know that reads this, would kill me if I ruined what happens in the last 2 films, cos crazily they haven't watched/read them yet, I won't say exactly what stops me, but it involves, snakes, Bellatrix and Dobby. If you're a potterhead, you'll get exactly what I mean...
Right, I'm off to go listen to more music, probably Billy Lockett, to stick with the 'B' theme of today...oh and either read or play Pokemon :)
Goodnight and Thank You!!
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