Today's photo represents the amount of time I've spent in bed the past 24 hours... No, I don't always make my bed, because what's the point if you're going to get back in it... Yes, that's my pyjama bottoms and yes there is a weird duck teddy thing, that's my most important possesion, I still can't get to sleep without him, despite being 16... But don't tell anyone, that's a secret :P
Today, I woke up at around 8am... I got up at around 10am... Went out for a cooked breakfast at about 11am... I went to pick up some glue rollers for cards, and whilst I was at it, picked up one of my favourite books, Stig of the Dump. I enjoyed my cooked breakfast, fried egg, hash brown, toast, beans, bacon and sausages (which probably contained horse meat). I came home, laid on my bed for a bit listening to music, then went on the computer to make my fundraising evening video from two weeks ago... Which I did!!
Now I'm sat listening to my old Westlife CD that I found :D
I'm tired and feeling like I'm coming down with something, probably a cold, or sinuses playing up, yet again! Wrote a bit more of my English article :) Talking of articles, I'm fed up of seeing the subject of horse meat all over the papers, I'm sorry, but everyday it seems there has been tests on different stores, companies etc.I can understand a massive outrage because of false advertising as it's been missold in many cases as beef, for example Findus Lasganas... Also, my Mum came up with a good point of where are horse farms for meat? I don't think I've heard of a horse farm in England that has horses to sell meat, so where's it coming from? However, those people that are outraged at eating horse, are being a bit silly... The French see it as a delicasy, yeah, I know they eat frogs legs and snails, they don't sound nice but frogs legs are pretty nice, I can't say the same about snails though... But it's meat, it's edible... Shush.
Anyways, a treat for you today! A video alongside a photo and slightly longer blog entry than in recent weeks... Enjoy!
evan. :)
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