Monday didn't start off too well... As you may have guessed with last week's blog/if you keep up-to-date with my Facebook page. I think a bit of heat got to me... BUT I had a great day, even if it was only on about 4 hours sleep... Still, I got to watch the Womens Ashes at Wormsley Cricket Club, which I'm led to believe is where some of Vicar of Dibley was filmed... The estate it was on was very 'Hazll's Wood' from Danny the Champion of the World, including pheasants and a very stern looking farmer/owner... Still it was a lovely ground and a lovely day... Got to speak to family of the Aussie team, and saw all the players pretty close up... I must say, it was a dream to see Elysse Perry and Holly Ferling (two Aussies that I look up to) in the flesh and see them get wickets too. It was also pretty insane watching Heather Knight get her 50 and nearly her 100, that wwent towards her 150 odd... Then watching Brunt bowl... It was great to see people I look up to in my sport live and not behind a screen on the other side of the world!
Tuesday, I had a bit of a lazy morning - recovering. I woke up earlyish (8.30?), then promptly fell asleep again... I then woke up later that morning to a pneumatic drill, coming from the wall next to my bed... So I then got up at about 12.15... I had a driving lesson at 12.30... Which went well, however, I saw pretty much everyone I knew (slight exaggeration). But I had kids from the club I help out at cheering as I went round one corner, which was great fun! I did some emergency stops, and I can actually turn in and out of junctions now! So yeah, my lesson's are going well! :)
Wednesday, I was in a bit of a state... I had to keep myself busy, which I think I managed pretty well! Went to see my Grandma, then went to see Nan and Granddad, then wwent to see my best friend and had a catch up with her and her Mum, which was lovely! Maria, Mum and I (writing properly :P), went into town and did a quick bit of shopping because the pneumatic was winding my sister up too much! So we sorted out her game, then got a Mumford CD from the old days, and went and got some clothes, I was in need of some t-shirts and jumpers, so I got some of those and some socks! Then we came home, I wasn't hungry and I wasn't tired. I got about an hour and a half's sleep...
So at half four on Thursday morning, I got out of bed, fought the dark and made it downstairs to Mum making a hot chocolate... After watching multiple episoes of Big Brother through the night, I thought I should watch something that was a little better for my brain and watched an episode of Who Do You Think You Are, which was very interesting, it was the Lesley Sharpe episode, so if you want something interesting to watch, that's good and so was the Minnie Driver episode! I went back to sleep for a total of half an hour... Then it was off to pick up my friend so we could pick up our A Level results... Philippa was picking up her A2 results and I was picking up my AS results... With Philippa recieving an email to say she was into the uni she wanted to go to, I was already happy for her!! So, I know I've already said it, but I'm extremely proud!! And obviousy I'm happy and proud of everyone else who got into their chosen uni's :) To say I was nervous was an understatement, I couldn't stop shaking and I thought I was going to give my headteacher (who was handing us our results) a present that he didn't deserve/want on his shirt... But luckily that didn't happen... I stupidly opened my results envelope in the crush hall, saw them and bolted out the door and up the stairs, crying. With one of my English teachers shouting behind me, 'How did you do Evan?' Hah, surprisingly I did great in your subject Miss! A few swear words came out my mouth and all I could say was I can't go through another year. Saying that, I calmed down and sorted a meeting out for the next day... and couldn't stop looking over the grades, I was estatic about two of them and so annoyed at the other two!! English Literature - C, English Language - C, Physical Education - E, and Psychology - U.. Some would be happy with those, but I literally felt like I'd been let down in a subject I loved, and it had made my hate a sport I loved. I went home, cried a bit more, laid in bed, wondering what on earth was going to happen.
Again, not much appetite, and not much sleep! Still, I went into sixth form, had a meeting and pretty much got told I could carry on English Lit, Lang and PE for A2 and that was that (because it was the quickest way into uni...) I wasn't too happy, or comfortable come to that... My anxiousness was hitting a high, and I wasn't feeling too great... So, I went home a bit disheartened. However, my Mum rang my deputy head of sixth form up to sort out UCAS points, and asked about an option, so now I'm doing A2 English Lit, A2 English Lang and starting AS MEdia Studies, and staying on an extra year to finish that! It will give me more UCAS points and more time to think about Uni, because at the moment I don't think I can stand it! But we'll see...
Yesterday, I was at my Dad's and we went to go see a my great aunty, that I don't ever remember meeting, it was rather nice catching up and stuff, was quite sad at times, but there were a lot of laughs :) Then met another person I'd never met, which was nice, and then stayed in and watched Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, I ended up going to bed early and falling asleep before the end though :(
Today was also a chilled day, saw one of my dad's friends, went for a waitrose lunch then looked around at some carpets and sofas, came home, played a bit of cricket with mum and maria, and then started writing this... 2 hours later, I've nearly finished... Things have been taking a while to do this week, and I've been trying my hardest to sleep at normal times... bleurgh!! Still tomorrow is a new week, and a new page, literally.
Music of the Week!
Following, the announcement of her new album release date, I fely it only right to put one of her new songs in... I must admit this is my favourite out of all her new ones she's released, and it's the soundtrtack to Kick Ass 2...
Hero - Jessie J:
The next song is Katy Perry, and I can't stop singing along...
Roar - Katy Perry:
The last song is from a singer/songwriter that is gettting more and more recognition, Natalie Holmes.
Child - Natalie Holmes:
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12th August 20133: Howzat?! - England vs Australia... #WomensAshes |
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13th August 2013: stripy socks and emergency stops. |
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14th August 2013: keeping busy. |
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15th August 2013: tired, proud, sad, annoyed and many more things... |
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16th August 2013: meetings, options and decisions... |
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17th August 2013: a good nights sleep and a pretty good day! |
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18th August 2013: music, waitrose and yawning. |
Thanks for Reading!
Have a good week!
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