Monday 17th June: falling asleep in the common room.
I went to see my sister and her school in a music festival/concert thing, and of course I enjoyed every second of it, I even sang along to a few of the songs... However, it annoys me that there were kids under the age of 10 craving attention, moving to the middle of the stage, at the back (to make sure they stuck out like a Harry Potter fanatic at a Star Trek convention) continuing to move 3 schools away from their own and then start messing around. They could have at least had the decency to learn the words...
Tuesday 18th June: 'sit out for a second and rethink the situation'.
After being at sixth form for the day and getting quite worked up about having to look at uni's and courses and other rubbish (my current opinion of it all) I went home and ended up going for a cycle to watch the sun set, ended up seeing 2 deer, lots of bats flying around and listening to the birds, it was really refreshing and nice to just chill and being in the middle of nowhere.
Time at sixth form, had 3 hours at home in between, applied for my provisional (keep off the roads :P) then fell asleep and may have been a bit late back into school... Then in the evening I took my Mum to a gig... It was Lewis Watson's tour, with Frank Hamilton and Shannon Saunders supporting. It was one of the most surreal nights ever, I helped Frank and Andy (his manager) quite a bit, did some flyering and the mailing list, got some merch and hugs and photos... Lewis was insane, I haven't seen him live before so it was great to see him and meet him and hear him somewhere other than my headphones!
Frank was insane as always, nuff said.
Shannon was amazing! I loved her song 'Heart of Blue' before I went but then when she performed it live I loved it even more, and the covers she did... Awesome! Just gutted I didn't get to meet her before she went!
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#TeamFrank |
Thursday 20th June: long words, long day and a cricket match.
Another day at sixth form and a cricket match for the boys that I'm helping to coach, they lost (badly) but considering the school they played puts a lot more money and time into their sports, it wasn't THAT bad a defeat...
Friday 21st June: socialising for once.
Friday, was a longg day, sixth form, then the youth club I help out at (which was low on leaders), then after changing my mind multiple times, I decided to go to my friends party, there were funny parts of the night, like being offered multiple bread rolls by a certain person... and another persons 'Guide to Dancing'... Still, I came home, had a hot chocolate and then went to bed.
Saturday 22nd June: stormy sky and rough seas.
Sunday 23rd June: mission caterpillar.
Less windy today, did some gardening (funny enough, in the garden!) Had an eventful trip to the dump... The bags of cut down 'plants' seemed to be the home of a bunch full of caterpillars... Anyone that knows me will know that I have an almighty (see what I did there?! ;)) phobia of caterpillars... So my sister breaking down in tears and me being the brave person that I am ended up sitting in the back, sweating and hyperventilating over these flipping things... Anyway, on the way home we saw this and I thought it was insane, I'm a major fan of graffitti/street art style stuff and it was by a burned down and derelict garage which had unfortunately turned into a dump... But I thought it was pretty awesome, so major credit to whoever did it! It sort of sparked a question, should it be a crime to share your art like this? Personally, I think so long as it's appropriate for the place it's in (and it's good), it deserves to be shown...
Music of the Week!
The first one because of the gig on Wednesday... Loved this song anyway, but then her cover just completes it...
All I Want (cover) - Shannon Saunders:
All I Want (cover) - Shannon Saunders:
Another one, because of the gig this week (but it would have made it on here sometime anyways!) (oh and he swears, but it's an insane cover, xylophone and everything!)
Teenage Dirtbag (cover) - Frank Hamilton:
The next is from The Voice Final... Fell in love when it was performed, will's normal version isn't as good as with Leah, so here it is live!
Bang Bang - Leah McFall &
The last one is a sneak preview of the first feature for the blog 'Music In Time' (cheeky plug for another blog, but hey!)
Monsters - Angus Powell:
Other Links!
Lauren Aquilina is announcing info on her 2nd EP tonight (Sunday 23rd) at 8pm... It's also her 18th birthday! So go give her a like/follow, say happy birthday and stay tuned for her announcement!!
Lastly, 'Music In Time' was launched last week... 'a blog that brings talented musicians to your eyes and ears...' The first feature is on Tuesday 25th June... There are already opportunities for you to ask artists questions and competitions will be coming soon... So go like the page/follow on twitter/go read the blog!!
Thank You!
evan. :)
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