Didn't do much Monday, went to sixth form, had an alright day, came home, opened a parcel (which was my new camera!) Then managed to stay awake til dinner then fell asleep for a few hours...
Tuesday 25th June: House Athletics: 3rd!
Tuesday saw Tudor come third in house athletics, which for our house was an achievement! I then came home, sorted out my 'Music In Time Blog' and got frustrated as it still doesn't look professional cos of fonts and spaces, but oh well!!
Wednesday 26th June: 'three little birds'
A psychology trip and a cricket match was cancelled on Wednesday, meaning I didn't actually have to go in... As soon as I got in I was asleep again, I literally woke up for dinner and that was it, 20 mins, then I was asleep again for the night.
Thursday 27th June: a few more tiring and pointless hours.
After a pretty boring day in the sixth form block (apart from a strawberry fight in the common room...) A few of us went to do a few hours as sports leaders... This was pointless and included us standing watching others lead and run the activities, we were just making sure there werer no unruly kids... There was me thinking that was what all the teachers were doing there?

Burned my thumb after getting chesse straws out the oven at club :( Still, I went to see After Earth (the film with Will and Jaden Smith) and I thought it was pretty good. Reminded me of a cross between Avatar and Hunger Games, don't even know why, but it did!
Saturday 29th June: more hay fever, horses and minibeasts.
I went to watch my sister ride a horse yesterday, and she's pretty good at it! I took lots of photos, and I also took lots of photos of bees, ladybirds and butterflies... However my SD card played up, yet again! Meaning, I lost them all :( Still, apart from that had a kinda chilled day and then went babysitting in the evening :)
Sunday 30th June: i should probably start typing now.
Today, I've tried to do some PE work, and got nowhere, so I gave up. I then went to a music thing in the park for a bit, until my hay fever got so bad and I got too hot, that I decided it was best I went home, I then sorted my room out a bit and then sat thinking about this longer than what I should have... So, took me longer to get started...
Things I have learnt this week:
- Make sure the anti-histamine I'm taking is non-drowsy, especially when you're feeling ill anyways...
- Make sure I get a new SD card ASAP!
Lots of links below Music of the Week by the way (that are all worth checking out!)
Music of the Week
Mozart's House - Clean Bandits: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rd0cT7Dnpt8
Resolution - Matt Corby: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nj4q4rfDcNw
Ratchet - Bloc Party (explicit - sorry!): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q3EEaPj-5qs
Links for the Week
Wolf Choir (3 guys from my sixth form, all are insane on the music side of things, they hope to be releasing an EP before the end of July, so keep your eyes and ears open...)
'Dilute' on Soundcloud: http://soundcloud.com/wolf-choir/dilute
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/wolfchoirmusic
#SinnersEP Lauren Aquilina is returning with her second EP 'Sinners', I can gurantee it'll be a good 'un. It's available to pre-order tonight at midnight... Alongside the music video on her YouTube channel... If you wanna countdown the last half hour with her and her fans you can also watch her live on YouTube (i think? the link will be on her FB page...)
FB: https://www.facebook.com/laurenaquilinamusic
YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/user/LaurenAquilinaMusic
#LondonEyeEP Frank Hamilton is releasing a video on the LondonEyeEP website 1st July from when he recorded 4 songs on one trip around the London Eye... Pretty impressive? I think so!! He also does a blog and stuff, he's a lovely guy, and you should go check his stuff out!! :)
LondonEyeEP Website: http://londoneyeep.co.uk/
FB: https://www.facebook.com/frankhamiltonuk
Music In Time Blog Ok, so this is my new project... The first feature is up, and even though (annoyingly) it looks awful, the content is there and hopefully the next one will have spaces and the right font :)
Blog: http://musicintimeblog.blogspot.co.uk/
FB: https://www.facebook.com/MusicInTimeBlog
I think that's it!
Thanks - evan. :)