Sunday, 13 January 2013

13th January 2013: what a cheescake.

More of a picturesque photo today, went for a walk in the cold, whilst the roasted pepper cheescake was cooking in the oven. We got home and tried it and it tasted pretty good... Definitely a possibility for the vegetarian option at the fundraising evening. Good news, we've nearly sold all the tickets :D
I've managed to sit down and finally get some more of my english lit coursework done, and I'm doing some PE in a minute. I'm definitely going to be doing another blog on the back of this, which will be a book/film/music review a week... As I'm actually enjoying doing this, although naming the blog entrys is becoming a daily challenge, and the ideas for photos too, so there might be some drawings coming up...
Back to working hard tomorrow, considering how tired I'm feeling right now, I'm really hoping we don't have too much to do in lessons, otherwise I might not be quite with it in psychology :S
Just quickly... Some links I want to share:

Skylarks YouTube:
Lauren Aquiluna Youtube:
Frank Hamilton (One Blog A Week):
Ebony Rainford-Brent's Blog:
Thank You... ooh!! and a MASSIVE thank you... I've now had over 500 views :) cheerss
Annnnddd, back to PE...

evan. :)