woke up this morning feeling fine. made myself breakfast... scrambled egg with herbs and cheese on toast... it was surprisingly good. after only having one lesson today, where all we did was talk about what we're doing in the next topic, I could have gone home two hours before I did, I had to wait for my sports leaders lesson to be told here's the work go away and do it... then getting home taking my photo of the day and sorting out tickets to hand out, then watched Harry Potter with my sister, where we both fell asleep... the photo of today, isn't the original photo... i went to put the photo from my camera onto the computer, any computer... and its not working!!! this is the year, that i really didn't want my camera to pack up... i'm not happy. Either a trip to a camera shop or a computer shop is in order, as to be fair, neither of the camera's in the house are connecting to the computer saying that it's not recognised? any ideas? although, i do know my USB connector isnt working with my camera.. so that's gonna need to be sorted.
sorry for the blog today, hopefully i can sort it fairly easily, but until then, back to grainy photos from my phone i guess. on the plus side i've now had over 300 views... which is insane!!
evan. :S