Tuesday, 22 January 2013

22nd January 2013: it's been a long day...

Say hi to 'Jolly Santa' his leg tasted very nice and I got a retweet from the singer I posted about the other day, Josh Record, I officially think he's amazinggg :)
It's been a long day... I've had 4 lessons of English, a subject that I'm loving right now! NOT! Oh and psychology... So I had a full day at school, I've got to finish 3 areas of my English Language coursework by the latest, next Tuesday, but I need two of these areas finished by Friday... Whilst I need to be doing this, I am trying to finish organising last minute things for Saturday, which is fast approaching...
Anyway back to this English coursework... It's fine, except I find it pointless, when I find something pointless I'll take my time to do it, and stupidly sometimes won't do it at all... Obviously this isn't my plan for this coursework, HOWEVER I do find it a bit stupid, BUT I am getting my head round it, and I will be doing it for when my deadline is... although, I do struggle to understand why we need to do TWO style models for an article, because all I will end up doing is finding the same things in both articles and repeating myself, which is surely pointless? I'm really regretting taking English Language, as you might be able to tell from my recent blogs, but most of the work I either find pointless or just a bit boring I guess... :S I don't want to offend my teachers cos they don't set the coursework, so it's not their fault... The only positive about this work is that I can do an editorial article about sexism in sport... You are all probably thinking 'here we go, evan's going to go on about how men think it's wrong for women to play cricket' but no, I'm going to put a spin on it (see what I did there?) I'm also going to show sexism towards men in sport... Have you ever seen men play netball or rounders? This is what I want to do my article about and if you have a view on it please comment, because you're likely to be part of my coursework... (if that's ok?) I'd like to know if you find sexism in sport towards women more prominent or men, what sports are included in this, and if you think this will change...

Thank Youu!!


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