Today's photo represents my evening spent playing guitar and keyboard attempting to make an original piece for my next video... which should be coming soon... Just getting ideas together, and sorting music out with my friend :)
Been quite busy today, went out for a walk to town this morning, had a cooked breakfast, gave my Dad his birthday present, and then went and got a sledge thing, and went to Sainsbury's to pick up ingredients for vegetarian meal for next Saturday. When I got home I did some English coursework, which is still in slow progress.. Now finalising final template for programme for next weekend, then I'll just have to finish the menu in few days, then get them printed :)
Also, a quick music suggestion... He's amazing, and when I described the song in the link below to my friend I said 'it's lovely'... Hmm, it was used as the background music in Sam Pepper's recent video, and I've fallen in love with him, the guy is called Josh Records, and he's got an EP coming out soon... so keep your eyes and ears peeled :) Josh Record - For Your Love
Enjoy the music..
evan. :)