Sunday 18 January 2015

the small things.

In the last few months, I've had to look after myself a little bit more, I became a little fragile and even though bad days include(d) keeping myself to myself, avoiding talking to other humans and investing my time into writing, tidying and listening to music, I've learnt to find happiness in the small things. 

Throughout 2014, I completed '100 Happy Days' (with a few days lacking in between - but it's something I'd recommend doing), however it meant that every time I did anything that made me remotely happy, I'd take a photo to capture that moment and that continued until the end of the year. Leaving me photos and videos to look over to remind myself of the good times in 2014, even if there were lowlights, it left me focusing on the highs. 

This year, I'd like to focus more on being in those moments and enjoying them as they are, rather than documenting them as much as I did in the previous year, as I want to be sharing my best content rather than some half-arsed photograph that's a bit blurry and doesn't make me feel proud of what I can achieve(?!). This year, my 'memories' project is a 'Best of 2015' jar, where I will write down a moment that I feel I should remember, fold it up and put it in, to be read through at the end of the year. 

However, for now, I will continue finding happiness in the small things, enjoying moments that I should be enjoying and getting through the storm of coursework and exams. 
So, an ending note for this blog is that; in an attempt to remind myself of the things that make me happy (big or small) I will be posting a series of blogs titled '100 Things That Make Happy'... 

Have you got an 'Happiness/Memory Projects' for 2015, if so, what are they and how are they going?
- evan. :)

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